An intelligent child

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Hoodie's POV: hoodie hadn't been getting much sleep lately, oh well, he was used to having nightmares by now. This time though, the thing keeping him awake at night was schoolwork, yeah that's right schoolwork. Hoodie was a very intelligent kid, in fact Dr. Gaster and Miss Emily had been giving him different forms of IQ tests his entire life, and he always improved. It got to the point that Gaster actually gave him a PhD, even though he was technically too young to have one, but gaster didn't mind bending the rules a little. Schoolwork wasn't very difficult at all, what was difficult was balancing his time between schoolwork and missions for both Slenderman and Miss Emily, and since his new family had no idea that he was still in school that made things even harder.

The next morning before breakfast

Masky's POV: I walked into hoodie's room to wake him up for breakfast, I expected to find him in his bed, instead he was slumped over at his desk with a book and some papers with strange writing, there was a pencil on the floor next to hoodie's desk, he must've dosed off while working and accidentally dropped it. I picked up the pencil for him, then I picked him up and put him to bed, I was going to leave hoodie's room but not without taking those papers first, I was not going to allow that boy to work himself to the point of exhaustion any longer. Hoodie can hide stuff from us all he wants, we'll find out eventually.

At breakfast

Slenderman's POV: "masky, you didn't wake hoodie?" "Well I was going to but it's looks like he was up all night" "doing what?" "Whatever this is" masky showed everyone at the table some papers with strange writing, "so that's where they went".

Hoodie's POV: "can I have those papers back please" masky handed me the papers "great, my math was off, now I have to spend half an hour fixing it" "hoodie, could you please explain to us why you chose to stay up all night instead of sleeping like you should've been" "do I really have to slender?" "I would appreciate it if you did" "your smart, why don't you guess" "you mentioned math, this is clearly some form of schoolwork" "correct" masky glared at me, I broke down right there.

Slenderman's POV: I walked over to hoodie and picked him up, "you've been really stressed lately haven't you" "I'm sorry that I'm such a disappointment sir" everyone froze and looked at hoodie, shocked at the words that left his mouth "come on kiddo".


Slenderman's POV: I took hoodie to my room and lied him in bed, then I grabbed my blood pendant and called Miss Emily, I haven't used a blood pendant in many years, mine was passed down from my father. "I knew it" "hoodie, you should be resting" "okay.... Miss Emily.... Before she sent me here.... Told me about you and your kind" "I figured she would've" "when I wake up...can you tell me why you left?" "Much like Dr. Gaster, my father and I had to flee from the war, I'll tell you more when you wake up" "okay". "Hello, slender, holy fuck after all these years you kept it, I thought you resented us" "later, for now I need you and gaster to get over here, we need to discuss hoodie" "oh, alright". Once Emily and gaster portaled over, we all went into the living room to discuss the problem "oh, you brought tea over" "yeah, wait you set tea out" "what kind?" "Chamomile" "Chi" "damn those are both good, I guess we'll have to drink both" "yeah I guess we will". "So you and I have been assigning hoodie too many missions at once, and gaster has been assigning him too much schoolwork" "yeah" "do you know that he broke down this morning from too much stress" "oh, my poor child" "he told me that he was sorry for being a disappointment, that broke my heart" "I'm sorry about that, he probably feels that way because gaster and I have always had high expectations for him" "why is that?" "We created him as a war machine, we had to make sure that he could be useful, and like all of the generation 3 kids he is, but also like all of the other generation 3 kids someone fucked up in one way or another, genetic experimentation isn't perfect".

Emily's POV: "masky, I can tell your eavesdropping, why don't you come sit down and join us" "sorry, you didn't really experiment on hoodie did you" "haha, silly human, we did that before he was even born, but we were young and didn't think of everything, and now hoodie's health is really bad" "oh, you mentioned other children" "yes, there are currently 8 children from generation 3 enlisted in the system" "system?" "The technical software system I created that the entire supernatural community uses" "oh" "in a few months I might be able to create some ports so you guys could have access to it" "is it useful?" "Of course it is". I pulled up my personal screen (imagine it as the screen of your phone, tablet, laptop, etc. That can compile itself out of thin air). "Take a look, I have maps that show me my soldier's current locations also the locations of everyone in the system, 3-D interactive models of everyone so I can check their current health status, I have their medical records on file, everyone's personal history on file, and the entire history of the supernatural community on file" "Wow, nevermind what I said, that actually seems really useful, how do you put people into the system?" "I draw their blood, want me to do yours?" "Maybe another time, I mean no offense but your a vampire, how do I know your not going to eat it" "I don't eat friends blood".

Gaster's POV: "I guess I could mention the fact that hoodie's grades are slipping, but it's my fault anyway" "don't worry gaster, I'll have a talk with hoodie about those grades" "masky, please remember that he's in this situation because we over stressed him, I'm not even that worried about his schoolwork, he'll bounce back, I'm mean I gave him a PhD for fucks sake" "you gave an 11 year old child a PhD?, he's that smart?" "Yes".

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