The gentle robot

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Eyeless Jack's POV: "you know, Emily, I wish there was a book in Braille that could tell me how I'm supposed to raise kids" "I have written several parenting guides for my caretakers, would you like one" "yes actually, I mean don't get me wrong I'm not completely clueless on how to take care of kids" "jack, I get it, you died when you were 20, you probably weren't even thinking about becoming a father" "I always figured things like having relationships and kids could wait until I was a bit older, probably until I had graduated from college, but your only older than me by a year and you're so experienced" "please jack, do you think I was as good as I am now when I started raising children at the age of 16, I definitely was not ready to be a parent, hellbent was already 12 and knew how to take care of himself and cartoonz who was 3,my main focus was keeping 2 year old hoodie alive" "oh, hoodie's never told us about that" "he probably doesn't remember it, gaster and I were worried sick about that boy for those first 2 years, he was very sickly" "I see, do you have that book available in Braille?" "Of course, I'll send that along with an ASL book also in Braille, you'll need it" "thank you for the books, but why will I need the ASL book?" "Haley and I will be away from the lab for a few days, during this time you will not be able to contact us, I need you to watch over my robot while I'm away jack" "robot?" "Yup, could you please?" "I guess, why does it need someone to watch over it?" "The robot is a 16 year old clone of myself, she's also deaf and schizophrenic" "so that's why I need the ASL book, okay I'll watch the robot" "thank you, she should arrive at the mansion soon" "alright, anything else I should know?" "I haven't done much medical work on her yet, so if something does happen and that is required expect her to be afraid I'm also sending a few doses of her schizophrenia medication, got it" "yeah" "thank you" "your welcome, bye" "bye".


Eyeless Jack's POV: I heard a knock at the door so I answered it, it was the robot, wearing a simple blue-green T-shirt, light blue jeans, and black and white sneakers. She had the most interesting hair color I have ever seen, blue with purple highlights, other than that she was exact replica of Emily except younger. "*Hi I'm jack, come in*" I made sure to sign and talk at the same time *okay, pretty house* "*thank you*". I led her to the living room, where quite a few people were, "*here, we can sit and chat if you'd like*" *okay*.

Laughing Jack's POV: dammit, I had a plan to scare the shit out of jack but he walked into the living room to early, oh well, wait he's got a friend with him, maybe I can scare them. "RAAA!, hahaha! It worked, look at her face".

Eyeless Jack's POV: "LJ!", laughing jack had scared the robot so bad she fell off of the couch, I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes. "Is that friend of yours really going to cry over a little spook, jack" "LJ, she's deaf, you startled her more than you realize" "what?, what do you mean?" "She can't hear, LJ". *pain, hand bleeding* "*Great LJ, she's injured because you scared her*" "jack stop pretending to be a mime" "we will continue this discussion later LJ, *follow me so we can fix your wound*" *okay*.

Masky's POV: I had been listening to jack and LJ's conversation the entire time, so after jack and the robot had left the room, I addressed Laughing jack. "LJ, you shouldn't have scared a deaf robot and I wish you weren't so rude to jack when he was trying to explain the issue" "oh shut up masky, jack going on about how a robot can't hear and then making hand gestures at me, I find it a bit rude" "the hand gestures were for the robot, it's called sign language, and as jack said the robot cannot hear at all" "it sounds like you and jack are making all this up just to make me feel bad" "we are not making this up, trust me LJ, I grew up in a psychiatric ward in a hospital, do you want to know how many deaf people they put in there, quite a few" "you sound angry" "it does anger me a bit because there was no reason for those people to be in there, deafness is not a mental illness" "your point" "I learned quite a bit about deaf people from them being in there, such as you will startle them if you go up behind them because they can't tell that your there, and even though they might not be able to hear that doesn't mean you can scream as loud as you want without affecting them, you probably hurt her ears, you should apologize LJ" "fine".

Eyeless jack's POV: "*here, sit down on the bed please*" *okay, where are we* "*my bedroom, I keep medical supplies in here*" *medical?* "*do you know what that word means*" *no, Emily says it a lot though* "*I'm a doctor, I help people that are hurt or sick by doing medical procedures on them, your hand is hurt and bleeding, I know how to fix it*" *okay* "*can I look at your hand, please*" she allowed me to examine the wound but before I could do anything to fix it she pulled her hand back *pain* "*I know it hurts, but I need you to hold still, can you do that for me*" *okay* I dip a cotton ball in some hydrogen peroxide "*I will warn you beforehand, this will be painful, I'm sorry but I need to clean the wound*" I start to gently wipe away the blood, she tried to pull back again but I kept my grip firmly on her wrist, by the time I'm finished she has tears streaming down her face. "*I'm very sorry, I know it hurts, but the painful part is over, okay*" she wiped her tears *okay* I start to bandage her hand "*there, all better*" *thank you, jack*. LJ had walked into the room "I came here to apologize to the robot, I'm sorry for scaring you" "*Laughing jack says he's sorry for scaring you*" *okay, I forgive you* "she says she forgives you".


Eyeless Jack's POV: after I had fixed the robot's wound and laughing jack apologized, we went back to the living room, everything was fine for awhile until the robot started clutching it's head. "*are you okay*" *the voices won't go away, I'm not supposed to be able to hear people talk* "*come with me*" I led her to my room so I could give her, her medicine *okay* "*sit on the bed and roll up your sleeve please*" the syringe was already prepared, I just had to give her the shot *what is that?* "*this is a syringe, I have to use it to give you an injection*" *why?* "*it's medicine to make the voices go away, I will once again warn you beforehand this will be painful*" *how painful?* "*not very painful, I'm sorry but I need to give you this medicine and I need you to hold still*" *okay*. She immediately started crying once I stuck the needle in, "*there, all done*" *thank you, I've never had to get that done before* "*I know, first shots are always hard, but you did great*".

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