We all have secrets

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Tolop's POV: everybody has secrets right? People keep secrets for a number of reasons, but all secrets have one thing in common, we don't want people finding them out. These are just my thoughts, I don't talk very often, I only really ever talk around uncle hellbent or Toby. I don't like talking at school because the other kids bully me and my schoolteacher already canes me for not talking and using sign-language instead, talking would just make it worse. I pulled down my sleeve so no one would see the cane marks, some were bleeding but I ignored it and started walking to the mansion in the woods where Toby lived (he's my older brother).

Toby's POV: Tolop is suppose to visit today (yes I have a little brother), I'm glad that I get to see him now, when hellbent first found him he was 6 and was so sick for about 2 months,he nearly died, when he got better he needed to get used to being around people and he also needed to be potty trained (he has autism so I could understand the delay), then when he was 6 and a half they decided to send him to school, and now at age 7 and in the first grade...well, he's been acting differently lately so I'm a little worried.

After Tolop arrives

Masky's POV: ugh Toby can be so annoying sometimes, I don't really hate him but he does distract me from work sometimes, oh, Tolop's here, wonderful (I'm being sincere), even if Toby is annoying sometimes he does have an adorable little brother. "Hi Tolop, how are you?" He waved at me but something seems off, he looks tired, perhaps he isn't getting enough sleep.

Toby's POV: Tolop looks tired, he has dark circles under his eyes, maybe he had another nightmare, oh well. "Hey *twitch* buddy, how *twitch* you doing" "fine" whenever he talked he was always quiet, "you hungry?" "No" I noticed masky had set out a plate of fruits and vegetables anyway (Tolop is a vegetarian). "You want to *twitch* draw something" Tolop was really good at drawing, it was his favorite thing to do "I guess" he already had his drawing supplies with him.

Eyeless Jack's POV: I had walked into the kitchen to get a drink,both masky and Toby were at the table doing paper work and Tolop was drawing....an arm with cuts, while I was studying the drawing Tolop must've seen me from the corner of his eye.

Tolop's  POV: when Toby asked if I wanted to draw something I didn't really have an idea in mind, so I just started unconsciously drawing something I'd been looking at earlier in the day, when I saw eyeless Jack staring at the drawing I immediately realized that I had been drawing my arm, I froze and covered the drawing with a blank piece of paper, what are they going to do to me?

Eyeless Jack's POV: Tolop tried to cover up the drawing, I guess I stepped a little too close because Tolop had put his arms up, acting as if I was going to hit him. "Tolop kiddo, you okay, I'm sorry if I startled you" the other two looked up at me a bit confused "don't hit me!,please, I'll be good" and now all three of us looked shocked.

Masky's POV: "Tolop, we're not going to hit you" I stood up and walked over to the boy, trying to calm him down, when I noticed something on his sleeve...blood. "Kiddo, there's blood on your sleeve, did you get hurt?" Meanwhile Toby had been looking at the drawing tolop had tried to cover up "hey masky, look at this" I looked at the drawing, I noticed the gray and light gray striped sleeve was exactly the same as Tolop's  shirt sleeve, did he draw his own arm? "Come on kiddo let's go to Jack's room, so he can fix your boo-boo". All four of us went to Jack's room, Jack got the supplies, Toby had sat tolop in his lap, and I was kneeling in front of Toby trying to roll up Tolop's  sleeve so we could look at the wound "kiddo we're not going to hurt you, just let us look at the wound please" "no" "oh come on, I'm sure it's not...that bad" tolop buried his face in Toby's hoodie, I froze, the wounds were the exact same as in the drawing. "Jack, you need to come look at this".

Eyeless Jack's POV: "look at what​, oh my God" I looked at the wounds closely, being careful not to hurt tolop. "Masky!,someone caned him" "I thought that was illegal" "it is, tolop where is your blood pendant, I'm calling Miss Emily".

Emily's POV: "yes Jack" "I need to speak to hellbent" "you do know that you can call him directly from the blood pendant right" "I do now" "I'll call him, then you can talk to both of us" "thank you" "so why'd you call, you sound worried" "someone caned tolop" "what the fuck!,I thought people stopped doing that!" "So did I" "while we're waiting for hellbent to pick up, fix the wounds please" "tolop sweetie who did this to you" "my schoolteacher" "of course it's that bitch, baby you look tired, when did you last sleep?" "Three days ago" "oh I see why, your dealing with that...if it makes you feel any better,both hellbent and I had to go through it when we were kids, oh there's hellbent".

Hellbent's POV: "hey, what's up" "well Jack asked me to call you because apparently Tolop's  schoolteacher caned him" "I'm gonna kill that bitch" "so am I, but not now, Tolop's  on night 4 so let's do him a favor and get over there before midnight" "right, I'll be over in a minute" "so will I".

Tolop's  POV: both uncle hellbent and Miss Emily portaled in at the same time, "hi...are you mad at me" "No, we're not" they said simultaneously, "kiddo, why would you hide that" "sorry uncle Hellbent" "it's okay, shit! Jack close the curtains" "it's midnight already".

Emily's POV: "yes sweetie it is, have you seen a puppet yet" "there is no puppet" "well shit, this is going to be harder than I thought, okay so I'm going to the foyer because Mister bunny man is at the front door, hellbent you take the living room window where the fox is, masky and Toby you guys take the kitchen where the giant chicken's at, and jack you stay here with tolop and deal with Mister creepy Teddy bear who is staring at us through the window, and for fucks sake no one go outside, got it" "one question" "yes masky" "what are you talking about" "everyone look out the window" "the fuck is that" "it's a robot that wants to kill us, they're all robots that want to kill us, if we last till 6 a.m. we get to live" "okay, you said that Toby and I have to go to the kitchen where there's a giant robot chicken" "yes, hurry it's probably raiding the refrigerator as we speak" "good to know" "each group take a walkie talkie" "okay". I go to the front door and look through the keyhole "hi bunny, how are you, remember me, you look different, someone stole your face and your arm, nope nope no you can't come in because you don't live here, you and your friends go home".

Hellbent's POV: "hey foxy, you stupid bitch, you can't run through the wall, shit where did you go" "guys I lost foxy" "he's with bonnie, Hellbent, shit! help me barricade the door!" "On it".

Masky's POV: "guys the chicken's at the door, what do we do" "barricade the door, and lock the window" "alright".

Eyeless jack's POV: "so tolop how to we get the Teddy bear away from the window" "keep the curtains closed, and flash this flashlight at him if he gets too close" "okay then".

They survived the night, everything will be explained in the next chapter

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