Chapter 1.College

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Stefanie's POV
"Stefanie Caston!!! Get your ass out of the bed or you're gonna be late for college." My mom said by practically yelling me so I hurriedly got up from my bed not to make her more angry. I went to my  bathroom as fast as I can and did my morning dues.

I got ready for my college by putting my hair into a high ponytail and by wearing a pair of ripped jeans, light blue coloured tank top with a white cardigan, I quickly ran towards the breakfast table not before putting some lip gloss and mascara.

As I pulled a chair of the breakfast table,settled on it and started eating my breakfast,my dad said,"Good morning, my little princess"." Good morning,dad." I said with a small smile."So, are you ready? He asked me checking his wristwatch."Yes, just let me get my bag from my room" Then I went to my room, took my bag and ran downstairs, kissed my mom's cheek then said my goodbye.

          I went to the car garage where I saw my dad's car and ran towards it and sat next to driver's seat where my dad was already waiting for me, as soon as I got into it he started the engine and drove me to my college, St.Lutherford University. (University like this doesn't exist this name of the university is imaginary and created by my own mind)
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