Chapter 4.Mother

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Stephanie's POV

His lips were like feather so soft yet so gentle. I felt like I was on cloud nine and about to burst in waters!!! But someone shaking me and calling my name but I didn't want to pull out from this kiss. It's the best kiss I ever had.

"STEPHANIE!!!!!!" I jerked up from my sleep and my best dream!!! "Who the hell is this!!!?? I asked not bothering to open my eyes and see who's it.

  "The woman who gave birth to you!!!!" Oh shit!!! "M-M-Mom? I asked stuttering and my eyes wide open. "Why are you sleeping here sweetie, Aren't you supposed to sleep in your room"? Mom is always Mom No matter what the situation is.

  When I was small sometimes in afternoon during my vacations I used to sleep in couch and woke up by finding myself in my bed. I never understood how that happened but now I understood Every Damn thing. But she can't pick me and take me to my bed because she's getting no younger or neither I!!!

    *****After sometime******
I was sitting in my room watching Twilight: Breaking dawn Part:2 and eating my Tom and Jerry cookie dough. My phone started ringing as I looked at the caller ID and BAAM!!!!!! It was from my university ‘St. LutherFord University’. I hesitantly picked it.
“Hello?” I said but it sounded like a question,
“Hello, Is this Miss. Caston? I'm talking from St. LutherFord University ”.
“Yes, This is her. What happened?
“You're called to the Principal's office tomorrow at 9:30 am”.
“Ok, I will be there”.
The call ended after I said that, How rude of him he didn't even said a bye!!!!
     But why did they call me IN THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!!!!!!!
    ***** Next morning******
Today is Sunday but still I've to go somehow. Who the hell wakes up at 7:30!!!!!!!!
And now I'm in a cab heading to my college from there I will head towards ‘My Principal's Freaking Office’. After paying and getting out off the cab. I started taking steps to reach my destination, Fear taking best of me. Finally, I reached, after seeing the sign 'principal's office' on the door. I knocked twice, Sighed after hearing a small but audible 'Come in'.
      “Miss. Caston, Sorry for calling you on such a small notice but it's a urgent and important matter.” His face was now devoid of any emotions and that was scaring the hell out of me!!!
“What's the matter, Sir? My voice sounded like I'm in a extremely hot desert which of course I'm not.
“First You should take a seat Miss. Caston”, He said smiling towards me.
“Uh... Ok..... Thanks”.
Whoa!!!!! The chair is a swirling chair!!! I love it!!!! Then what I did next is I guess Was Very Shocking For Mr. Andrew a.k.a My principal. I started swirling in the chair like a kid!!!!!!
“Miss. Caston!”. Uh oh Someone is in great trouble and that someone is none other than me!!!!

  “Sorry Sir, I can't help myself ”, I said smiling sheepishly.
“It's ok, The main reason for which I called you here is, You know You're one of the most brilliant student of our university. So You're and one other student is selected as an exchange student. You two are going to represent our school by going Harvard University and Making us proud”. As soon as the words left his mouth I was on cloud nine!!!! It was my dream University!!!! As I was thinking of this there was a slight knock on the door.
“Miss. Caston, I think the other student who will accompany you there, Is here”. I just hope that the ‘other student’ he is referring to doesn't turn out an bitchy bitch or a flirtatious guy!!!

     The door clicked open and my eyes met with the pair of chocolate brown eyes.
Merry Christmas My Fellow Readers!!!! Hope you enjoy your holidays!!!!
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