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Lisa's POV

After going to the building, we decided to go to another party where Mark is invited

"Yo! Bro!" A boy slightly taller than him greeted

"Is this your girlfriend?" He asked Mark while looking at me

"No, she's .. a friend" Mark told him

I was still adjusting at the loud blasting music inside the bar.  This guy seems to be really Rich. It's like he rented the whole place

"Hey, Lisa. Let's go" Mark took my hand and headed to a table

I don't know if I should ignore the rapid beating of my heart or not

"Hey guys! This is Lisa!" They stared at us before pulling Mark and teasing him

"Mark has a girlfriend now!"  A boy with a baby-like voice ... Celebrated?

He pulled away then he pulled me with him to the bar station

"Do you want anything?" He asked me

"A tequila will do" I told him and looked around

"So, was that your friends?" I asked him

"Yeah, but not all of them. The others are in the party where we met. They are my older friends. But those ones who rented this place are my younger friends. You know how younger people love wild parties" He told me and we both laughed

Our drinks came and we both drank it

"Cheers to the night" He raised his shot glass

"Cheers to the night" We clinked our glasses together but not too hard to break the glasses


"THIS NIGHT IS TO GET WILDER!" The DJ shouted and the music

Mark dragged me to the dancefloor and I wrapped my arms around his neck

"Care for a dance?" He asked me

"I was born for dancing" I smirked at him

"Sure?" He teased me

"Don't you dare Challenge the queen?" I smirked at him then we both laughed

Mark's POV

I can't stop the rapid beating of my heart when she smiled at me then she started swaying her head to the beat of the song.

Everything about her..... She seems so ethereal

I don't want this night to end


This chapter is dedicated to my bestfriends;



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