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3rd Person's POV

"But officer! I'm saying the truth! He didn't kidnap me!" Lisa tried to tell the police officer the truth

Turns out, her friends called the police to track her down using her phone's location that she doesn't turn off. She felt guilty that she was the reason Mark is in jail right now. If he just didn't leave or if she just told her friends that she's leaving then it wouldn't be like this

"You kids... I can't unarrest him now. He can't be set free until enough evidence is served. Your friends are coming so you can clarify everything then" The officer told her and she was trying to keep herself from killing an officer


"Oh my God Lisa! Are you hurt?! Who kidnapped you?! What happened?! How?!--"

Jennie was shut up by Lisa herself. Rose and Jisoo came in soon enough and ran and tackled Lisa in a hug.

"Guys..... Before you say anything..... I didn't get kidnapped. The guy you imprisoned is a friend that I met at the party. I didn't really want to be there so we decided to bail and went somewhere--

"Did you do it?" Rose asked her. She raised her eyebrows and then Jisoo continued

"You know what she's talking about, Lisa. The good-good" Jisoo told her in a much more quiet voice that can only be heard by her and her friends.

"What the?! Are you guys insane?! Dude, I still have my V card" Rose, Jisoo and Jennie sighed in relief after Lisa's explanation

"Thanks for being concerned though. I promise I'll tell you next time.... Now, can you guys tell the fudgin' officer to unarrest my friend?" Lisa told them dead serious and Jennie went to the officer to unarrest Lisa's friend

After Mark was unarrested, the four of them apologized to Mark including Lisa. Mark told them that it was cool and people make mistakes so yeah.

"Well you look like a really nice man, Mark. I think we ruined your night so we will be leaving now. Lisa, you can come with him. Just sure to be back before midnight. Bye, love lots"

After a few good minutes, Lisa and Mark was standing outside of the police station and it seems like no one wanted to start the conversation.


"Stop..... I know you're going to apologize again because of what happened. It's cool with me. They're your friends so it's natural for them to freakin' out when you're missing." Mark told her and she didn't speak

It's true though, after all, Jennie, Rosé and Jisoo were just being good friends.
"So, do you wanna go somewhere?" Mark asked her.

"You choose." Lisa replied shortly

"Let's go to the--"





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