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No One's POV

"Oh my gosh! That is sick!" Lisa reacted to the story Mark told her. He laughed at her reaction "Yeah, I know" Mark told her

It's already 11 in the night but none of the two were worried about the curfew. They were to engrossed talking to each other realize any of that

"Woah, so this is your house?" Lisa pointed at the house infront of them. Mark nodded and Lisa stared at awe. It looks just like her dream house

"It's beautiful" She complimented the house and Mark just smiled at her

"You haven't seen the inside yet" Mark dragged her inside after unlocking the door

And was right, it really looks like her dream house.... Looks too much like it.

They sat at the living room drinking Soju from Mark's refrigerator and had some random games until they got to play Truth or Dare

"Okay, I dare you to tell me the name of all your exes" Lisa told him

"Easy, I didn't have any girlfriend before" Mark told her and Lisa's jaw dropped

"How couldn't you have one? With your handsome face like that I bet there are many girls swooning over you" Lisa told him completely unaware of the fact that she just complimented Mark's looks

"I may look like a bad boy who's always clubbing but U actually just go to clubs and parties when I have my free time. I usually just spend time here in my house. I'm actually a study-first kind of guy. Besides, if I don't get good grades and a good job, how can I support my future family?" He explained while looking at Lisa

"Then that's what makes us synonymous. If my friends didn't blockmailed me then I wouldn't have been on the party. People tell me to get a life but I'm fine with how I live" Lisa tells him and he nods

"Okay it's my time, how many boyfriends did you have in the past?" Mark asked her, he was being antsy waiting for her answer

"Zero" Mark tried to stifle his smile but he failed trying to do so. And of course, Lisa didn't fail to notice it

"Do you play 'strip that'?" Mark asked her

She showed her infamous smirk to him "Do you have the cards?" She asked him

He showed her the cards and they started playing it

"The one who loses gets to strip a piece of the clothing he or she is wearing" Mark told her the obvious purpose of the game


Lisa lose on the first round and now it's Mark

Mark took his shirt off and Lisa almost drooled on the sight while gulping

"Like what you see?" Mark whispered on her ear

They suddenly laughed after that

"Maybe going to the party was fun after all" Lisa spoke


"Because I got to meet someone like you" She told Mark

The whole hour was like that, just full of teasing and laughters

The whole hour was like that, just full of teasing and laughters

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