Chapter Four

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~ Remember the most valuable antiques are dear old friends

Chapter Four

My phone buzzed with the indication of a text and, coincidently, Das's phone rang at the same time. He was walking me home, since it was pretty late, almost approaching eleven and we were half way when our phones went off. I checked the message as he answered his phone.


Buy some milk on your way home, hun x

I replied a quick obligation and walked silently beside Das until he finished the call.

"Sorry, is it okay if you go home by yourself from here? I have to go, my parents called," he said in a rush once he put the phone down. He sounded rather panicked.

"Yeah, sure. Is everything alright?"

"Nothing to worry about," he answered, and had already hurried back the way we had come, turning left in the direction of his house, instead of right towards the university.

Well, that was not worrying at all. Note the sarcasm. I headed in the same direction as him, the corner shop not being too far from where we had parted. He didn't give me time to tell him I had to go to the shop, otherwise, I would have suggested walking some of the way with him until I got to the shop. I decided to jog, wanting to get home soon, knackered from all the work. When I turned the corner, I thought I would have seen Das, at least at the other end of the road but he wasn't there. He must have broken into a run once he turned the corner. I hadn't even done much of the assignment, so wanted to get home as soon as possible, but Das had given me his to refer to in aid and pressurised me into promising him to hand it back to him the next day in Rose's class. That meant I had to attend it.

It took no longer than five minutes to get to the off licence. I sped to the far end of the shop, where the fridge was situated. As I picked out the milk with the blue cap, I thought a few snacks while doing my assignment would be very helpful. I wandered around the shop until I came to the aisles with the biscuits. I scanned the shelf quickly before I found the biscuits I was looking for; the chocolate digestives at the bottom shelf. I bent down, my shoulder blades stinging as my top clug onto my back, and quickly grabbed two packets. Now that I think about it, the stinging should hnave been a sign that something was going to happen. I stood up, ready to go to the cashier when I had to skid myself to a halt after the first rushed step. I still hadn't looked up when I saw a pair of blue striped, black adidas trainers in front of me.

"Sor..." I trailed off when I came face to face with familiar amber eyes. He was leaning against the shelf, his elbow providing support, with one leg crossed slightly over the other. His lips were curled up in the formation of a smirk. His six foot one self stood in all its glory as if he was the main performer of the show. His light brown hair was brushed to one side revealing both his neat line of eyebrows. I used to think he plucked them until one day I asked him, and he became highly offended. His black and red checked shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a plain white top underneath and he wore black jeans.

"Miss m ––" He began.

"You might want to get off that shelf, you'll tip everything over, Mike" I interrupted, walking around him to continue on my way to the counter to pay. I was angry, although, not as angry as I thought I would be if I saw him again. My heart jumped in surprise when I, initially, perceived those bright eyes.

"I've been gone three weeks and this is my welcome?" He caught up and walked alongside me.

"Three weeks and two days," I corrected, stopping in front of the counter.

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