Chapter Twelve

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~To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved 

Chapter Twelve 

It's no secret that I rarely attend classes, especially long ones (apart from my parents being unaware of this), so it was no surprise that I wasn't all too happy taking extra classes. In particular on something I was completely clueless about and was absolutely setting myself up to fail.

It began just after Mike had erased the pain in my back:

We were both seated on the sofa, making sure I wasn't leaning against the back so the sofa doesn't get any blood on it, barely exchanging two words as he refused to answer any more questions regarding his healing powers; trust me, I tried to get him to tell me more for over half an hour and he gave me nothing so I gave up. I was angry at him, at this point, refusing to speak to him if he doesn't answer me when I remembered something.

I gasped, jumping onto my feet. "Crap! I have to hand in my assignment today, it's already been asked from me twice. I need to go uni, If I miss any more classes, I'm pretty sure my lecturers will fail me."

"Foyles, you can't go out like that. You have really large wounds on your back and it's still slightly bleeding. Everyone'll notice it and it's not normal." Mike rolled his eyes at me, making no signal to move.

"I need to get rid of this wound somehow, then! C'mon, Mike, you can't tell me that there's no way I could, somehow, get rid of those wounds. I mean, you're a healer, can't you just heal the physical wound, too? Get rid of the blood as well while you're at it." I gestured a lot with my hands, happy that every movement was painless. "Oh, thanks, by the way, for getting rid of the pain."

This time he stood up.

"Turn around, let me examine it one more time quickly," he ordered.

"No way am I allowing you to violate me again!"

"I won't lift your top up this time, I promise. I just need to take a look at it. It's practically visible through your top. There actually might be a way to get rid of it, but for now, I need to take a look at it first," he sighed, clearly tired of my difficulty.

"Fine!" I shuffled around cautiously, my back towards his face.

As promised, he didn't touch me in the slightest and I relaxed.

"Okay, so yeah, I think there is a way," he concluded turned towards him again.

"Do it, then." I know this sounded demanding, but I was so happy that I wanted it done already.

"That's the thing, you'll need to do it yourself. I can't do it for you, sorry. I can try and help you though," he replied, apologetically.

"Erm..." I didn't know how to respond to that. How could I possibly get rid of it myself? I had no idea what exactly it meant in the first place, let alone being able to get rid of it.

"You trust me, right?"

I nodded hesitantly. That was never a good sign.

"Okay, look into my eyes and pretend it's just me and you," he began.

"Stop being weird! Firstly, I am not going to look into your eyes and secondly, it is just me and you here. Stop fooling around and tell me how to get rid of the stupid wounds," I frowned. For a second, I thought he was being serious with his demands but then he burst out laughing.

"This is why I love teasing you, friend. Give me a second to think, okay?"

"Whatever." I sat down on the sofa, annoyed that he would do something like that. Mike had always been mischievous like this so I should have known from the beginning that he was joking.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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