At Twilights Treehouse

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*knock knock*

Twilight you home?" Pinkie shouted.
Twilight quickly opened her door and pulled Pinkie Pie inside, slamming the door shut behind them. Pinkie cocked her head to the side asking Twilight if there was something wrong, Twilight shook her head "not at all! nothing is wrong pinkie I just wanna make sure that the experiment doesn't get contaminated-"

Pinkie smiled and nodded her head in agreement "If you say so twi."
Twilight then began to enter a code into a large machine, lots and lots of numbers began to spew out of it and out of curiosity Pinkie asked
"hey twilight what's up with that machine thingy?"

Twilight glanced over at Pinkie, then back at the machine, it began to beep in a malfunctioning kind of way and with a quickness, twilight began to tinker and tamper with the machine, answering Pinkies question while maintaining her focus.

"Well, I'm glad you asked! this machine gives me information about you." Pinkie giggled "Do you really need to know more about me? You already know me silly!" Pinkie chimed with a smile.

Twilight turned to face pinkie, taking in a deep breath and exhaling, she then bowed her head down pointing her horn directly towards Pinkie.

Pinkie pie stared at twilight, giving her an excited look as twilights horn began to glow, Twilight was in the middle of reciting a spell she discovered, using pinkie as a sort of pony experiment of course after she already tried it thousands of times on animals and inanimate objects. But then, all of a sudden Rainbow dash came crashing trough the window, tumbling into pinkie pie but by the time twilight had noticed, the spell was already complete.

Rainbow Dash Pinkie and Twilight were all coughing due to the thick smoke that surrounded them within the room but once the smoke cleared up, Rainbow's face began to sport a look of absolute horror.
Rubbing her eyes, she couldn't help but to stare
at the little foal in between her and Pinkie.

Rainbow was the fist to speak "What the hell.."
She pointed at the cyan blue foal staring back at her. "OH EM GEE!!" Pinkies eyes lit up as soon as she saw the foal, she fell in love with it, immediately picking it up and cradling it in her hooves. Rainbow dash took a minute or two to comprehend what just happened. "Wait- so.. who's baby is that!?"

Twilight smiled at the foal in pinkie's arms, "well that backfired I guess" Twilight remarked just as rainbow began to speak "Oh yeah, sorry for crashing into your tree house and kinda messing up whatever weird experiment you got going on with the baby" Rainbow then looked at Pinkie "Umm P-Pinkie what are you gonna do with that-"

Pinkie giggled "hold on, Twi did you teleport this foal from their mom?" Twilight replied swiftly, "No pinkie.." Pinkie pie then proceeded to glance at the foals bottom parts "It's a her you guys!" Twilight was filled with raw curiosity. "This is amazing! could it be that I've just discovered a spell that can make any two mares have a foal together!?" She shouted with excitement, using her horn to levitate a feather and dipping it into some ink to write into her journal.

"I'll have to run some tests on the spell and see if I can do the same with colts, ooh this is so exciting!!"

Rainbow began to closely observe the foal in every little detail, The magenta mane color with blue streaks in it, cyan blue fur, Heterochromed eyes, the right eye a rosy shade of pink while the other sported multiple bright and beautiful shades of blue, somewhat resembling Pinkies eyes.

The foal was a Pegasus pony bearing a striking similarity in facial structure to pinkie and a body close to rainbow dash. Dash smiled at the foal as it began to reach for her, cooing cutely and smiling, Rainbow asked pinkie "How's about sweetie pie?" Pinkie smiled the widest and brightest smile ever it made rainbow feel so warm and cringe.

The pink party pony squealed "since she kinda looks like you, maybe we could name her Sweetie Dash Pie?" Rainbow nodded her head. "Yeah, I think she'll like that" Rainbow said as her heart sank into her emotions she really was kinda happy and she felt something she never felt for anypony before. Was it a kind of motherly touch or instinct? Or was it love; she couldn't at all tell what it was.

Her stomach felt as light as one of her feathers, as if millions of little butterflies are fluttering inside her all at once or at least, that's what Fluttershy told her that feeling felt like some time ago.

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