Chapter 1

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Will Grossman, deadbeat of a guy. Works at a geek store in a mall, lives in a dump of an apartment, not to mention he has the appearance of a slob. Overweight and able to play connect the dots with his face with all the pipples, but he never let his lifestyle or his appearance bother him. Of course he does get judgemental looks and occasionally gets a group of some teenagers who's got nothing better to do, but pick on people at the mall. Will never let's it get to him. He smiles and tries to be as polite as he can be, because he knows he gets to go home and not have to deal with people, albeit, society on it's own.

Will was finishing his shift; he currently had the last shift of the day. He was wiping the counter, when he noticed a man walk into the store. A quite tall man, wearing a black suit with a bright red tie, shiny bald head, the palest skin and the blackest beady eyes. Will assumed that the man is some kind of inspector or something. The man looked at a few figures, comics, collector items. But as Will wiped the counter, it would be every time that he would look at the man with the corner of his eye. he could swear that the man was looking at him, but the man was looking at something else.

As the man was leaving, Will politely asked the man "Did you find everything ok?". The man looked at Will with his cold, dark eyes, staring into his soul. "Yes, I did" the man said with a very prim and proper voice. Then the man left, leaving Will and the other worker in the store alone. Will went to the back of the store to clock out and inform his co-worker that he's leaving. Will clocked out, grabbed his jacket, and left.

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