Chapter 18

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Will and Jack got back to the circus, put away the furniture they were going to sell, and were about to get ready for a shower, since their clothes were filthy from dirt and dust. Jack was going to let Will take the first shower, so Will picked out some clothes from the caravan, and made his way to Jack's bathroom. The smell from Will's murder of the toilet had disappeared, but the cotton candy smell didn't come back either. Will shut the bathroom door, stripped from his clothes, and put them in Jack's clothes hamper. Will noticed everything that could be scented was candy scented. Jack even had a few wax melters, with cupcake scented wax in them. Will usually never used soap when he did ever take a shower, but since the soap smelt nice for once, he wanted to smell like a kid who raided, and robbed a candy store. So Will got the shower ready and finally took a shower. Will was so glad he did, because when he come out that bathroom, he smelled delicious! Will was already making improvements to himself. He did volunteering, worked hard until he was covered in dirt and dust, he did way more excise than what he did back on Earth, and he took a real shower! Will felt like a normal man! But that inner guilt of all the paid work he did, i.e turning human beings into furniture, was still in his mind.

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