Chapter 2

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After Will had slipped on his jacket, he was walking down the route he normally takes while walking from work to home. It was dark and most people would be at home sleeping, or working their night shifts at their nightly jobs. Besides the few cars driving and people walking past, Will was completely alone. Ever since that man was in the shop, Will had this sense of paranoia. It was something about his presence that brought an inner dark paranoia that Will had felt for years, and it was that kind of fear that keeps a child awake at night. As Will walked home, he could feel eyes staring at him, eyes not of judgement, but of watching eyes. Eyes used for watching something intensely, like someone was watching every single move Will made.

As Will made it into his apartment, for a quick second, as he enter the main room of the apartment in the window, he could see two face shaped orbs of pure white. But Will went to look if someone or something as outside the window, he could only see that there was nothing. What could've been there? He lived on the second story of a four story apartment building that included the basement, and the fire escape, but both ways were broken off years ago. Will shrugged it off as just his mind playing tricks on him. He went to the front door, locked it, and went to prepare a TV dinner from his freezer, and made himself comfortable at his computer for a night of horror movies.

After eating his TV dinner and about five hours of binge watching one horror movie franchise ,Will fell asleep. Entering his dream, he was being chased through the woods by two men. One he could see was wearing a white mask with black facial features, carrying a knife. The other man, Will couldn't get a clear view of, but all he knows is that the man had one or two hatchets, because one was aimed, and was thrown at Will's head, but landing in a tree. After what felt like hours Will ran into a circus, the two men didn't follow Will in. Will now finally able to catch his breathe; Will wheezed and gasped for air. Being out of shape didn't work in Will's favor at all, because he was sweating profusely and it was difficult to breathe. Will, after managing to catch his breathe, looks around the circus. It was monochromatic, like he hopped into a old 50's television show and Will was the only thing with color. Will with a minor wheeze, walked around the circus, exploring.

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