Chapter 17

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Everything had been finally set up, and the fair looked great. Will rewarded himself with the free food that was on one of the tables. He was proud of himself. He did more than stand at a cash register and wait for customers to come in, he actually lifted heavily things, and set up career booths. Will felt like a champion, and free food was an even better reward! Well, plus the fact that he didn't eat breakfast stange for what he would normally do. As Will ate the mountain of food that was on his plate, he saw LJ talking to a very, VERY, hairy man. The man almost looked like big foot, but in clothing. Will was wondering if that man was just another professor, or if he was the dean of the Institution. Will could only hear a little bit of their conversation, due to the ear deafening excitement and chatting of the professors, volunteers, students, and young children. "-will make a great student here" "I sure hope so. I don't want anyone of your pals that are like that rude little brute, Jeff!" "Oh don't worry! he'll be waaayy better than Jeff. Trust me on this". Will was curious of who they were even talking about. "Are they talking about one of Jack's friends?". Will tried not to think about it too hard, and plus he was enjoying himself, and he doesn't want that to go to waste. 

After the fair got going and more kids showed up, Jack and Will left as Jack had a few jobs for Will and him to do. They did a few jobs like cleaning up people's house after REALLY messy murders have happened, getting rid of corpses, Jack had shown Will how they could make furniture out of the bodies to sell, and they even did a few stalker jobs too. They did this all day, until it was almost the next day, and it was mainly so that Will could have the Underworld's currency. When Will and Jack walked back to the circus, Jack was carrying the furniture they made like it was no problem, while Will could only feel guilty and ashamed of himself. The fact that he cleaned up murder scenes for killers, making dead bodies into furniture, and even stalking people. This made Will felt like a criminal when he didn't even do anything wrong!... Well, he literally didn't do anything wrong in the Underworld, but he still felt like he was the blood splattered stain of society. All the horror movies, games, and comics Will enjoyed was HIS way to enjoy those illegal and disturbing things without doing anything sinister, but now... now Will was doing insidious things, even if it was meant to help others.

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