Chapter 13

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Will and Jack carried on with their conversation for a few more hours. After they got a few more laughs, Jack, with a little bit of seriousness in his tone of voice, said to Will "oh we should find you a place to stay"
"Oh yeah, where am I going to sleep?"
"I'll show you"
Jack got up, prompting Will to do the same, so Will did. Jack led Will to a broken down travelling circus caravan. The caravan was grey with black and white details, followed by hints of dark red, like mostly everything else in the circus. As Will stepped on the three stairs of the caravan, they creaked under Will's weight, like they were about to snap. While walking, and looking into the caravan, there wasn't much to it. There was a dirty old looking wooden bed, a old dirty vanity with a cracked mirror, a wooden drawer in the same conditions as the bed and vanity, a few fainted flyers about other circuses from many many years ago, and a small window that was cracked. Before Will could even take a step further into the caravan, he looked closer to the window, and realised that there was a webby net, full to the home of spiders. Will gasped and nearly screamed, letting out a small shriek, and then he quickly stumbled out of the caravan, hiding behind Laughing Jack, and trembling like a leaf. Will had a deathly fear of spiders, every since he was a kid. Laughing Jack looked at Will in confusion.

"Uhmm is something wrong, Will?"
"The s-s-spi-"
Jack quickly caught on on what Will was saying, and smiled a little.
"Aaahh I see" Jack went into the caravan, with Will behind him, and walked over to the net of spiders "aawww! you're scared of these lil' cuties, aren't you?"
"y-y-yeah. p-please g-get t-them o-out of h-here!"
Jack snickers a little, and pats Will's head "alright. I'll get theses guys out of here then"
Jack picked up the spiders' webby net with all the spiders in it, and got them out of the caravan. then he checked the rest of the caravan for anymore spiders. He found a few in the several cracks of the walls, under the bed, and the vanity, but he only managed to get all the spiders he could find. "There we go. that should be better now. I've got to do a few things now, so Holler if you need me" and with that, Jack left Will, and now he could sleep the rest of this crazy day away.

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