Chapter 1

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(I'm sorry that it might suck but this is my first time writing a story like this so please no hate)

Cassidy's POV

2 Years Ago

"I didn't cheat on you! why would I cheat on you!" I yelled at Matthew.

"How do i know your not telling the truth! You've been hanging out more lately with him than with me" he yelled back furious and i rolled my eyes while tears ran down face. "I'm not chaeting on you! How many times do i have to tell you! I love you too much to hurt you and you know that! So please just believe me" i said between tears, because this was breaking me into pieces.

"Cassidy I don't even know if you really do love me. So just to make both of not hurt anymore just admit you cheated" he said and it felt like my heart broke in a thousand pieces.

"I'm not admitting anything that i never did matthew" i said trying to sound tough, but Matthew shook his head "It's over" was all he said before he walked out of my house and to his car, that's when i broke down and fell on the floor and cried somemore. I couldn't believe he just left me like that, accused me of cheating on him, and that he believed all those rumors instead of believing me his own girlfriend.

1 week later

It's been a week since he broke up with me and left for California, I've been miserable crying bad, but lately I've been feeling sick to my stomach like having to Puke and everything that my mom took me to the doctors to see if I was pregnant, and when we got there they did tests and the doctor came back with a sorta happy face and another emotion and she said that the tests came back positive...... so I was pregnant with Matthews child...

Months later (idk what to put)

"Mom I think my water broke" I said to her panicking and she grabbed the bag and helped me to the car and drove me to the hospital where I was taken straight to a room where I stayed in pain. But after what felt like hours Jackson Lee Espinosa was born, and yes I know what your thinking, why name your child after your ex, but I just thought having Jackson have a part of Matthew and I made sure to ask his parents for permission and they said it was alright, but the only problem is that Matthew doesn't know, but anyways Jackson was born May 12th.


It's been 2 years after Matthew left, 2 years after my precious little boy was born, and he is now 2 years old, it is a challenge to take care of a 2 year old and still do school work, but I have friends and family that support me and help me a lot.

"Mommy! I'm hungry! can you pwease make me some food" Jackson asked in his adorable baby voice and I laughed and got up from doing my homework and picked him up.

"Sure thing, now what do you want?" I asked him while kissing his cheek.

"How abowt pwizza?" he asked and I thought for a moment.

"Okie dokie, why don't you go get dressed, and I'll call Auntie and we can head to CiCi's?" I told him and he cheered so I put him down and he ran into his room with me following after him. "Mommy! I can't reach my batman shirt!" he whined and I laughed and grabbed it for him and helped him put it on and than grabbed his converse and put them on his feet.

"Alright your ready, now mommy needs to go get ready" I told him while tickling him, and his laughter filled the air, before I stopped tickling him and picked him up while I went to my room and let him play on my phone while I got ready, so after I got done getting ready, I walked out of the bathroom to see him scrolling threw something so I went and sat next to him to see that he was scrolling threw photos. "Mommy who's this?" he asked while pointing to the guy in the photo. "uh he was a friend of mommy's but he moved away before you were born" I told him because he wasn't ready to hear the truth. So he just nodded his head before handing me my phone.

"Are you ready yet? I'm hungry mommy" he said and i laughed before getting up and grabbing my purse and than my car keys before grabbing Jackson's hand and walked out of the apartment to the car and buckled him in his car seat, before getting In the drivers seat but before driving, I texted Serenity telling her to meet me at CiCis before putting my phone up and starting the car, playing music while driving to CiCis.

When we finally arrived at CiCis I saw Serenity standing there waiting for us, so when I stopped the car, I got out and got Jackson out of his Car seat, and he ran straight to Serenity and hugged her.

"Hey there lil man! how's it going" she asked him

"Good! But I'm hungry!" he said which caused us to laugh and we all walked in and paid before getting our pizza, and finding a place to sit down.

"So Cassidy how's it going?" she asked me and I sighed

"It's been good" I said and I could tell she knew something was up.

"So how have you been holding up?"

"Okay I guess, just every time I look at Jackson I see Him, and he has the same personality, and it just maks me wish he was here." I said honestly and she gave me a small smile "ya that's not the only thing, I gave him my phone so he could play on it while I got ready and well after I was done getting ready I walked out to see him scrolling threw photos on my phone and he stopped on a photo of me and him and he asked who he was, and I couldn't tell him the truth and I don't know what to do" I said almost in tears and I guess Jackson noticed and hugged me.

"Mommy why are you crying?" he asked and I gave him a smile and shook my head. "It's nothing sweetheart just go back to eating" I told him and he nodded his head and went back to eating.

"Hey Cassidy, look it's alright we will find a way to get threw this, and when the time is right we will tell him who is father is, but right now you need to be happy you have this precious little boy in your life" she said to me

"What would I do without you, like seriously, you always know what to say, and how to comfort me" I told her and she smiled before we started talking about other things.

"So are you able to come with me tonight?" she asked and I sighed

"Ya but we have to bring Jackson, I have no one to watch him, everyone is busy and stuff" I told her and she nodded her head. "It's alright he can come, and we have to be there in like a hour or so" she said and I nodded my head before we continued talking about things and catching up, because we both have been busy with school and everything.

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