That Cheating Bastard.

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I stood, shocked at what was in front of me... Vincent.. My 'Amazing' Boyfriend of five, Flipping years... Was on top of some random whore I've never seen in my life.

"B-Babe! I can exp-," he mustered before realizing he didn't have a good reason to be cheating. "No no, I get it...," I stated giving him a glare. " I'm not good enough for you!"

Then I looked at the girl under him. "By the way, he wasn't tested... you could have aids, so good luck with that." Looking back at my now ex boyfriend, I chuckled. With my hair clovering my eyes, I growled. " I hope that this little afare was worth it... you man whore."

And with that I left, not only my used to be shared apartment. I'm done with Meteli.

I'm done.


My first Good Garrance book! Yay! I hope you all enjoy this book adventure of Garroth Ro'meave and Laurance Zvahl, getting together with me!

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