Awwwwwwwww He's too cute!

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#Garroth's Pov#

As I exited my companies main building, I thought to myself,

Why are all of the girls who never liked me in high school seem to gravitate towards me now? I don't want those thirsty hoes!

My face twisted into one of disgust. I never understood, I shivered, Females.

Right as I was about to get to my limousine, that was parked a few blocks away from the building, for safety reasons, I saw a short male, er- I think it's a guy, by how their dressed anyway. I mean, the person in general doesn't even look like they know where their going... Maybe a tourist?

I don't know what had gotten into me but I felt like I Needed to go over there and help him. He looked soooo confused! Wait, CRAP THAT FACE. He just tilted his head!!!

Is this how those girls feel around me, because it it is then I guess I understand women better. I instantly, and unconsciously, stopped walking towards the limo, and straight for the brown haired, person. SORRY, but I'm a Ro' Maeve and were polite so if I just assumed this person gender, that'd be rude. And if your wondering why I'm questioning this persons gender, well it's because they might have a flat chest but, uhh, that BUTT is one of a god. Similar to Irene's herself. What? Can't I be a flirt?

Once I reached to short brunette, I tapped their shoulder. He turned around and I was smacked with the plague of cuteness. Call me crazy buuut. I flirted with him on the spot, What? Like I said I'm a Flirt can't help it. He had sun kissed skin, which probably gave him his perfectly tanned skin, and chocolate brown hair with crystal clear sky blue eyes I could stare into for eternity.

" What's someone like you doing in a place like this?," I said in my deepest voice. He blushed and answered, " I-I don't know, w-where I am..." the worst part was the fact he whimpered at the end of his sentence.

"Your on Ro'meave Blvd, on the main road of Okasis, Darling." I said before lightly grabbing his hand and kissing the back of it.

He went from fresh apple to ripe cheery in seconds, which caused me to chuckle.

He blinked a few times before gasping. "I didn't think I could get this far on a train!" He whined cutely. "Since now I know your not from around here, Where are you from, My little rose." I said before getting in his face a little bit.

Laurance's Pov

What is up with this guy!? Who is he?! I haven't even gotten his name and he's already flirting!!?!

"W-Well, I'm from Meteli... and My name is Laurance..." I slightly mumbled, this guy is hot, VERY VERY HOT, LIKE ALFWAGO HOT, but at the very least I want to know his name.

"Well my little vixen, I'm Garroth Ro'meave you've must of heard of me," he said, giving me a lust and wanting look.

"U-Ummmmm....Well......I-," I attempted to stutter out a response before getting interrupted. "Say no more sweet cheeks! Since you don't know me, Let's hangout! I just left work so, we can go to my place so I can change!," the tall blonde said enthusiasticly. He basically planned out my whole day for me, but hey I have no idea where I am so, I'm not complaining.

" Uhhh, S-sure! I only came with a backpack that honestly doesn't have everything I need... but, how do I know your not just a evil rappist disguised as a sexy office worker?" I question giving him a sceptical look.

"Turn around and look at the billboard behind you." Garroth said sarcastically.

I turn around and do as instructed, just as Garroth said, he was on the biggest billboard in the area. He was smiling and puffing out his chest , defining all of his giant peaks, he was talking about something... But I couldn't here over the car horns.

"ANYWAY, Since you believe me now!," he grabbed my hand."Lets go to my place!," before dragging me into a limo, slamming and locking the doors, and we were off.

"That's MY Dork!" Garrance Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن