New! Awww He's too cute!

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Again, I'm going to try to make this longer, and I'm gonna try to not make Garroth so annoyingly flirty and instead try to make him much more of a playboy flirt, rather than a kindergartner who just found out a book on how to flirt. Ok? Ok.


-Garroth's POV-

I waved to my personal assistant, Rose, who had just gotten off of her shift at my father's- well, my company. She had become a great friend of mine after we both, more or less, bonded on how terrible my father was. And even though he was an awful father, husband, and boss, he sure as hell knew how to run a business, like it was the back of his hand.

" Don't get lost on your way to the limo!", she shouted over her shoulder as she walked to the staff parking garage, which was about half a mile away, lightly tugging her midnight black hair out of its tightly wound bun. Allowing it to gently blow in the breeze as she began to strut faster down the sidewalk. Her heels clicked loudly as she waved at me and as I rose my arm to wave back I shouted,

"I take offense to that! Of course I won't!", my obvious joking tone barely heard over the loud honk of horns in front of the tall tower that is, Ro'Meave Industries.

As my eyes left my hazel eyed friend, they landed on someone much more interesting. Someone who had a nice looking ass.

The short, tanned, brunette that had caught my eye looked around, my eyes only able to gaze at their back, in wonder at the tall buildings trying to compete with the large skyscrapers on the street of Ro'meave Blvd. It's crazy how many things my father has wasted his money on.

Anyway, A large suitcase was at their feet, it's handle lightly wrapped in one of their small sun-kissed hands and, from what I could only assume, a phone was in the other. And- Irene- don't get me started on their backside! It looks so soft, round, bouncy, and squishy! And such tight pants!

When the stranger finally turned to face me, I was not disappointed. Their tan skin continued up their neck and onto their face. Their rare skin tone, to see around here, was accompanied by a soft jawline, with a cute round nose, and crystal blue eyes, that were highlighted by long eyelashes. Though on top of those sky blue eyes I couldn't help but notice the thin glasses that rested on, the already mentioned, adorable nose. Their light brown hair was kinda messy, it was as if they had came here in a rush? Or maybe it was the wind.

Quickly forgetting about my short walk to the limo, I changed directions, First checking my breath, quickly deeming it fairly fresh. I took a glance at a nearby car window, checking my hair, it was messy but casual. And lastly, thought of my best pickup lines and began to make my way over to the cutie.

' I'm really glad I broke up with Ivy now!'
I thought to myself, remembering last night's argument, which was the final nail in the coffin that was me and Ivy's relationship.

The woman wouldn't let me breath without her consent! And I couldn't leave her side for two seconds without her questioning just about everything! Also the fact that my father picked her out for me just because her father is a friend of his, was not helping my opinion of her in the first place.

'Where are you going!? Your not cheating on me, ARE YOU!?'

'Gareth! Your not actually about to leave me all on my own!?'


She could never pronounce my name either which was annoying as hell. Who wants to marry someone who can't even say your name right!?

Her nagging annoying voice and threatening words continued to echo in my head as I made my way over to the short cutie.

I 'accidentally' bumped into them when their back was facing me and said,

"That's MY Dork!" Garrance StoryWhere stories live. Discover now