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Alia's POV

I scream when a hand clamps over my mouth and I'm dragged roughly from behind. I'm yanked into an alley and shoved against the wall before I can take a good look at my attacker or kidnapper or whatever you call it.

As soon as I see who it is, my scream stops short.

"Hello, Ajax," I say, my voice muffled through his hand.

"Don't 'hello' me," Ajax snarls, pressing me harder against the wall.

I manage to shrug despite being pressed firmly against an alley wall. Ajax grits his teeth and leans so close I can feel his hot breath tickling my face. "You," he hisses, "have already ruined enough of my day."

I shrug again.

Ajax thrusts me yet again harder against the wall, leaning so close his forehead almost touches mine. I tilt my head backward as best as I can, wanting to be as far away from this bully as possible.

"I. Hate. You," he growls.

"No you don't," I say, my voice coming out funny because Ajax's hand is still clamped over my mouth. I don't know why I don't just bite him.

Ajax narrows his eyes at me, his jaw clenching. Before I know it, he's taken his left hand away from my mouth and is drawing back his right hand. His fist comes right at me and smashes into my face.

I can't help but scream. My face explodes with pounding pain as blood runs down my face. I clutch my obviously broken nose, already feeling a bruise form on my cheek.

I realize that people who walk away or lash back after getting punched simply don't exist, because the pain on my face is so unbearable I feel like I might faint, it sears up my nose as tears stream down my face. Not because of my emotions, but rather because my body thinks my face is in too much pain and decides to produce tears to prove it.

Ajax sneers at my reaction. "Now, monkey face, do you believe it? Do you believe that I hate you so much I'd do anything in my power to get rid of you? I've killed before, and I won't hesitate to do it again."

I can't speak because of the pain coursing through my entire head. I try to focus on the problem though I'm already dizzy due to the scent and excessive loss of blood.

"You...don't...hate...me...because...you can't...Ajax," I force out between my teeth.

Ajax yells out in frustration and punches me again. I feel his fist connect with my face, and my bones crack under the force of his punch. I scream, black dots dancing across my vision as I try to remain conscious.

Just before the world goes black, Ajax leans in and whispers. "I hate you."


I blink slowly as my surrounding comes into focus. I squint against the blind white light shining down at me. I immediately try to sit up, but dizziness overwhelms me, and sharp pain sears through my cheeks.

I gasp and fall back onto the...wait, where am I?

I remember Ajax punching me, and I also remember our conversation clearly. That's when I realize I must've blacked out. Which means I'm probably in a hospital.

But how am I in one? I blacked out in an alley, did someone find me?

I close my eyes just as I hear footsteps coming my way. I open them again to see a nurse hurrying toward me. Yep, definitely a hospital.

"Miss Roger, I presume?"

I nod and wince as dizziness washes yet again over me.

"Please take it easy. You were found in an alley by your brother Zac. Your cheeks are bruised and some of your cheek bones are broken, along with your nose."

"Thanks...for telling me."

The nurse nods in acknowledgement. "Do you need anything?"

"No, thanks."

"Well, if you're feeling up to it, your family will be allowed to see you, and then we'll do a few tests to see that nothing else other than your bones are damaged, is that all right?"

I nod.

"Good then, I'll be inviting your family in, please wait a while."

I stare after the nurse as she walks out of the ward, her heels clicking against the smooth, hospital floor.

I take my time to survey my surroundings. To my left, an old lady in her fifties is lying on the hospital bed motionlessly. On my right, a boy about Zac's age is reading a book, his leg raised onto a cast.

I look up as my family approaches. My twin brother runs forward, his eyes wide with worry. "Alia! You're-are you okay? What happened? We were so worried, you looked so beaten up yesterday. I thought you'd sneaked off to a party or something when you didn't come home, so we went to find you, then Zac saw someone unconscious on the ground and realized it was you. I frea-"

"Alex, calm down," Zac says. Alex seems to finally realize that the rest of the family is with us as his face smooths into the expressionless face he usually wears except for when he's alone with me. He's not big on showing his emotions to the world. "I just hope you're okay."

"I am," I assure him.

Zac gives me a smile as our parents start fussing over me.

"Does your face hurt?"

"Who did this to you?"

"Are you thirsty?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Do you need us to bring anything for you tomorrow?"

"Are you too cold?"

"Or too hot?"

"Can you sit up?"

"Do I need to inform the staff to give you more pillows?"

"Or more magazines?"

"Can you walk to the bathroom?"

"Are you bored?"

"Can we-"

"Mom, dad, I'm can't answer your questions all at once, and I'm fine, don't worry."

Mom shakes her head. "I'm sorry, love, we're just concerned about you. We panicked when Zac phoned saying he found you unconscious on the ground."

"It's okay, mom."

"So, do you want me to get you any drinks from the cafeteria on the ground floor?"

"Water's fine."

Mom and dad bustle out of the ward to fulfill my order. Zac follows after them reluctantly when I give him a look, signaling Alex and I need a moment.

Alex draws the green curtain around my bed to give us some privacy.

"So..." I say.

Alex launches at me and wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Hey, hey, careful."

"I'm sorry," Alex says, pulling away. "It's just-you...you have no idea how bad you looked," his voice wavers a little, something that never happens.

I bite my lip as he looks away, trying to put back on the mask he puts on in front of everyone. Everyone except me.

I reach out and squeeze his shoulder. "Hey, look at me, I'm fine now. I may not be in the best condition, but at least I'm mostly back to normal."

Alex nods, shooting me a smile.

"You okay now?"


I smile contently. A lot of problems haven't been solved, like Ajax, but I know my family'll always have my back.


Was that okay? I originally wanted to post it next Monday, but apparently, I have more than enough time to finish this chapter by this Monday. So, here you go.

Hoped you enjoyed it thoroughly!



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