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Ajax's POV

I walk down the school corridor, ignoring the whispers that carry along with it. I feel like I can't do this anymore. If my life keeps going on like this, I'm going to snap.

And I'm afraid of what I'll do when I do.

I'm about to head into the cafeteria when someone taps my shoulder.

"Fuck off," I snarl, not bothering to turn around.


I stop in my tracks. Seriously? He has to appear right now?

"C'mon, we need to talk."

I snort. "Yeah, talk."

Bryan sighs. "Ajax, you can't keep on ignoring me and Luke. He feels really bad for bringing up something you don't want to hear."

I whirl around. "Something I don't want to hear?! I don't even want to think about it! It was so-that day-"

Bryan flinches, but he doesn't back down. "Ajax, we're honestly sorry, I don't know what else to say or do."

"What you can do is leave me alone!"

Bryan frowns slightly, folding his arms. "Listen, Ajax." I open my mouth to interrupt him, but he gives me a pleading look. "Luke is blaming himself repeatedly for the mistake, and before you say anything, I know it is his fault, but you didn't see him, Ajax. He thinks you'll be going back to how you were a year ago."

My face twists into a sneer. "Well then let him think that! I don't freaking care so you can now freaking leave me freaking alone!"

I storm into the cafeteria. Luke or Bryan are not people I want to deal with right now. Thankfully, Bryan doesn't follow me. Perks of him being the quiet type and hates causing a scene.

I'm about to head to my table when I see that friggin' girl. She's laughing along with who knows who and happily eating her chicken sandwich.


I'm hungry.

Marching across the cafeteria, I snatch the other sandwich lying on the plate next to-what's her name again?-her. I hear a "Hey!", but I ignore it, biting into the sandwich as I leave the cafeteria. Finally, my first lunch in weeks.

Footsteps sound out behind me. "What are you doing?"

I turn around, irritated. "Eating."

"And you had to steal my lunch for that?"

I lean toward Ava or whatever her name is. "Yes."

She glares at me. "My mom made it especially for me! It's her only-"

"My mom can't even move around without vomiting all over the floor," I snarl, feeling my anger rise. "What makes you think this measly sandwich is more important than her life?"

The girl glares at me with a look that actually chills me. How did I punch her again?

"Your mom is your business and mine is mine. But that sandwich, is not your property and I could sue you right now. Not that you'd care."

"You're right, I don't," I say.

Alia-I finally remember her name-walks up to me, rising on her tip toes-pathetic, I know-and thrusting her face into mine. "Watch what you say."

I raise an eyebrow. "Take your own advice."

Alia looks away, exasperated, then turns back to me. She thrusts something into my hand. "Leave my lunch alone," she says before walking back into what cafeteria. I look down to see another sandwich in my hands. A nicely cooked chicken topped with tomatoes and vegetables, squeezed in between two pieces of white bread, oozing salad dressing.

I grit my teeth. I'm not eating anything from the freaking idiot. She probably gave it to me out if pity. And if anything, I hate, absolutely hate, being pitied.

I'm about to throw it into the bin when a single memory surfaces.

I was glaring at the floor, frustrated that I couldn't take the bullies. Dad had forgotten to pack my lunch again, so I had nothing to eat.

I had scared the bullies away, but I'm outnumbered six to one, and I knew they'd come back.

Hearing footsteps, I looked up.

"Go away!" I snapped, my blue eyes meeting soft brown ones.

The girl had dark hair spilling past her waist, her wide eyes looked incredibly innocent and there was a slight crease between her eyebrows as she frowned in concern.

She stepped up to me. "Hi, I'm Amelia, are you hungry?"

"No," I said, glaring at her.

Amelia took my hand and uncurled my fingers from my clenched fist. She put something in my hand and walked away.

I looked down.

It was a chicken sandwich.

I blink. The first time I met her. I can't believe I didn't remember.

I stare dazedly at the sandwich in my hand. Why? Why are they so similar? Why did Alia have to be eating a chicken sandwich? Why?

I feel my throat close up as I fight to breathe properly. What the hell's wrong with me?


"What?" I yell, turning heads. I can't breathe, and all I can think about is getting out and running as far away from here as possible.

It's Bryan. Again.

He takes one look at me and grabs my arm, dragging me out of the school building and 'round the back, where there's this small space between three connected walls that no one knows exist except for me, Luke, and Bryan.

"Deep breaths, Ajax, deep breaths." I faintly here Bryan's voice in the background of my heavy breathing.

I force myself to breathe in air, letting it circulate into my system as I slowly calm down.

"You good?" Bryan says after a while.

I nod, and it suddenly hits me why Bryan and Luke are my best friends. Because they've been my best friends since I knew what friends were. They know everything about me and they deal with me despite the fact that I'm difficult. They care.

I take a deep breath, leaning my back against the wall. Bryan follows suit on the wall perpendicular.

There's a slightly awkward silence before he speaks up. "Memories?"

My eyes flicker up to look at him. "Yeah."

Bryan sighs and props himself from the wall with an elbow. "Really, Ajax, don't be so hard on yourself."

I shrug.

Just then, the bell rings.

Bryan pushes himself from the wall, slapping my shoulder. "See ya in class?"

"Yeah, see you," I say, offering him a small smile.

I finish the chicken sandwich before heading to class.


Dun dun dun!🎺🎺🎺🎷🎷🎷

Did you enjoy this chapter?

I'm really sorry I skipped a week, but I was honestly busy-the classic excuse, but what else?

Anyways, I just had to update before Monday because I couldn't wait to let y'all read this chapter. 😆

What do you think about Ajax's friendship with Luke and Bryan? What about Alia? Why did she offer her sandwich to the very person who broke her nose?



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