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Ajax's POV

I can feel the frustration rising up in my chest. I don't know why I'm doing anything most of the time.

I don't know why I locked Alia into the janitor's closet.

I don't know why I hate how she's never afraid.

I don't know why she's so similar to Amelia.

I don't know why I don't know why.

And more than anything else, I don't know why my heartbeat speeds up every time see her.

It's not fair. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I run out of school, unable to get Alia's panicked expression out of my mind. I did nothing wrong. It was her own fault. But I know it's not, which is exactly what sucks.

Without knowing it, I've picked up speed, my feet pumping harder and faster, as if I can escape the world.

As if I can escape myself.

Trees, stores, and houses whip past as I run impossibly faster, my breathing becoming uneven and my muscles straining to work harder, to bear the pain.

I run past rows and rows of houses until I'm sure that I'm lost, that I don't know where I am.

However, I don't slow down, instead forcing myself to keep running despite the fact that I can barely breathe and that my lungs are burning, searing, begging for air. My legs feel like drags, my muscles screaming in pain and exhaustion as I run harder, faster.

I start to feel disoriented, my feet hurting from the intense grinding against the ground. My chest constricts as I feel the oxygen leave my body, unable to breathe properly.

Seconds drag into minutes and minutes drag into hours. The world becomes a blur of gray, passing me without any notice.

My body seems to be moving automatically. I'm not thinking, just running, until I don't think I can take it anymore.

My running slows to a walk, and all I can do is put one foot in front of another. To keep on going. Hoping the edge of the Earth comes and I can fall right off it.

My vision blurs as my body reaches its limit, black dots dancing across my vision and obscuring my sight. My feet trip over a bump on the ground, and I go sprawling across the sidewalk, dizziness and exhaustion clouding my mind as everything goes dark.


The first thing I feel as I regain consciousness is the pain pounding into my head like a thousand stinging bees and a hammer.

I let out a soft groan as my body starts to come to its senses. My muscles scream in pain when I try to sit up, and my head pounds with nausea and extreme pain.

"Oh, you're up," a voice comes from the end of the...bed?

What the-

"I found you half dead on the ground, and me being kind old me, brought you here so you won't die of hunger out there."


I want to scream. I want to punch her. I want to scare her away. Tell her to leave me alone. But I'm exhausted beyond belief, and all I manage is a low growl.

"You're welcome," Alia scoffs.

My muddled brain takes some time to register her sarcasm. I feel like I'm drowning. My body feels too heavy.

I watch as Alia comes into view, putting down a glass of water on the nightstand.

"Drink if you feel thirsty," she says.

I'm not going to accept anything she gives me. It could be poisoned. But my scratchy throat says otherwise.

I try to sit up, but the muscles in my back scream in pain and I grunt at the strain. Alia sees my difficulty and reluctantly puts an arm around my back, helping me up.

I'm so dizzy and tired I can't even muster the strength to push her away. Alia props me up on the pillows behind me, picking up the glass of water.

Nausea pounds into my head and I cup a hand over my mouth, not wanting to vomit all over myself. My hand trembles however hard I try to make it stay still. I close my eyes, trying to swallow the bile rising from my throat.

I am not puking my guts out in front of a girl. Especially if that girl is Alia.

Speaking of which, Alia's eyes widen as realization dawns on her face. She hurries out of the room and comes back with a plastic bag in her hand, shoving it into my hands.

I glare at her. Taking the hint, Alia takes one last glance at me before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

With no one else in the room, I slump back against the pillows, my stomach lurching sickeningly. The bile comes shooting up my throat as I finally succumb to the nausea attacking my body.

I feel so fucking sick.

Retching into the plastic bag, I try to relax to calm the throbbing in my head. My throat stings and my eyes water as I empty myself of the entire contents of my stomach.

I close my eyes and wait until the dizziness eases a little, tying the bag and dumping it onto the nightstand, then shakily reaching for the glass of water Alia had left on it.

The water inside the glass sloshes as I struggle to make my hands stay still, cupping the glass so I won't drop it. I hate feeling so weak, so sick.

I bring the glass to my lips, taking a small sip. My hands start to shake uncontrollably, my muscles aching. Brfore I have time to react, the glass slips out of my hands, spilling all over the covers on the bed.

I can't do anything or think properly. All I know is that I'm too tired, and that I want to rest.

I lay back against the pillows as exhaustion overcomes me, drowning me into unconsciousness.


Sorry for the loooooooong delay, guys.

I'll be updating as soon as I can!



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