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Alia's POV

Why the hell did I give that jerk Ajax my last sandwich? I don't know. I honestly don't know. I must've gone crazy for a moment or something. And I'm still thinking about it on the next day while I introduce Alex to my new friends.

"Alex, these are my new friends, Sarilyn, Lauren, Jason, and Jordan. Guys, this is my twin brother, Alex," I say.

"You never told me you had a twin!" Jordan exclaims.

Lauren rolls her eyes. "Dude, you met her yesterday."

"The day before yesterday," Jordan corrects her.

Lauren shrugs. "Doesn't make a difference."

Sarilyn clears her throat. "Hello, guys? Are you going to just argue over there and let Alex stand there awkwardly or are you actually going to greet him?"

Lauren glares at Jordan and turns to Alex. "Hey, Alex, nice to meet you, I'm Lauren." she says, holding out her hand. Alex raises an eyebrow but takes it.

Jordan snorts at their formal exchange. He offers Alex his fist, grinning. "Hey man, nice to meet you," he says as Alex fist bumps him.

Jason offers him a small smile and Alex nods in acknowledgement.

Sarilyn bounces up to him and takes him by surprise by hugging him. Hard. Alex's eyes widen and it takes all I have not to burst out laughing right there and then at his shocked expression.

"Hey, Alex! Nice to meet you!" she says enthusiastically.

We're currently sitting on the benches outside the school gate after school.

I sit down beside Sarilyn and Alex sits down awkwardly beside me. Although I've only met my friends for two days-three days for Sarilyn-I already feel like I've been part of the group since forever.

I lean my head against the back of the bench. "School's exhausting," I groan.

"Yeah, and we still haven't started on that literature project about Greek Gods," Sarilyn adds. Ugh, that stupid project. I'm in a group with Sarilyn, Lauren, and Jason. The others aren't in class with us.

I sigh. "Who do we choose?"

"Zeus, obviously, because he's a womanizer," Jordan says, waggling his eyebrows.

"Eww no! You're not even in the same class anyway," Lauren says.

"Yeah," I say, agreeing. "How about Poiseidon?"

"Nah," Sarilyn disagrees.

"Hey, I think it should be Kronos! Because he eats up all his children!" Jordan interrupts.

"That's so not cool," Lauren says, wrinkling her nose.

Jason, who's been quiet the entire time, suddenly speaks up. "How about Gaea and Ouranus? You know, and the Titans."

"Hey, that'd be cool," Lauren grins. Sarilyn and I nod. Jason pulls a corner of his mouth up into a smile.

"Kronos is a Titan," Jordan says, huffing.

"Oh, just shut up," Lauren snaps in annoyance.

"How about you guys come to mine? It's a few blocks away from school." I suggest, glancing at Alex. He nods in approval and I turn back to my friends.

"Sure," Sarilyn nods. Lauren nods along with her. Jason flushes slightly. "I, uh, I don't think I can come...?"

Lauren looks away. Sarilyn grimaces. Jordan heaves a sigh. "Actually, it'll be fine, but I'll go with him, and we can only stay for one to two hours," he says.

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