Valentines Day

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Yugi Muto:

You two spent time at his place and watched a movie together, spoiling you with cuddles and kisses and having a duel for fun, he then told you that he's in love with you!

Yami Yugi:

He came to your place with chocolates and your favourite sweets (your second favourite if chocolate isn't your favourite) and cuddled you, then you two dueled each other for fun, you two really had an awesome day!

Seto Kaiba:

He took the day off and came to your apartment with a lot of expensive gifts, then took you out to the shopping center so you could buy whatever you wanted. You then went back to his, cuddled and watched a movie with Mokuba.

Joey Wheeler:

You two spent the day playing video games and making out, then he took you out to a nice restaurant. You two had a lot of fun that day!

Tristan Taylor:

He took you to see the new movie that you both were excited to see (you can pick which one), after he took you for a romantic walk down the beach when the sun was setting. He really wanted to make sure you felt special that day.

Duke Devlin:

Duke came to your door with a huge fluffy teddy bear that says "I love you" on it, a box of chocolates and a dice necklace, then he took you out on a date to your favourite restaurant.

Bakura Ryou:

He gave you a love letter that he wrote the day before about every single thing he loves about you, then you two stayed in and cuddled while watching all your favourite movies together. What a sweet guy!

Yami Bakura:

Lets just say you two made out A LOT, then he cuddled you and caressed your body and told you everything he loved about you. Yami Bakura might be a psycho, but he sure knows how to make a woman feel special.

Marik Ishtar:

Marik took you out for a walk in the park, you two talked about all the awesome memories you have and he told you how lucky he is to have you.

Yami Marik:

You and him decided to make cookies together, of course half way into making them you two made out and he tried to get into your pants, he tried everything that day to make you feel special, and oh boy did he! But apart from him trying to get into your pants though, he did stop when you asked, although he was really horny that day.

Edit: I found a spelling mistake and fixed it.

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