*Imagine for Olivia*

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Today felt like a long day for you. It was a Sunday and you just finished studying. You felt like your brain was going to explode. You decided to hang out with your friends for a bit and then come back home. After that you came back home for dinner with your parents.

"Hey Guys, can I go out after dinner?" You asked.

"Sure but where?" Dad asked.

"Guess." You said sarcastically.

"Oh you're going to play guitar aren't you." Mom said smiling.

"Don't act so surprised." You said laughing.

"Ok we'll be back by 9." Dad said.

After dinner, you changed into black leggings and a sweatshirt and got your guitar and left. You had a special spot that you had found in the park close to your house. It was like your spot to calm down and just relax. You would usually go there to just think about life and play music and sing. You walked the normal path to park. The sun was soon going to set. You were getting closer to your spot when you could swear you could hear someone playing guitar and singing. You slowly walked closer and could hear clearer, it was a boy. His voice sounded smooth but also raspy. You walked closer and accidentally stepped on a branch.

"Um hello?" The boy asked looking right at you.

You walked out from behind the bush and walked in front of him.

"Uh hey." You said waving.

"Hey." The boy said. "So may I ask why you were spying on me?"

"I wasn't spying." You answered.

"What were you doing then?" The boy asked.

"Well the thing is this is kinda my spot." You said.

"Your spot?" He asked.

"Well not my spot but I just usually come here to play my music and relax." You said.

"Well that's cool but this is my special spot." He said.

"Really? Do you come here a lot?" You asked.

"Yes I guess you could say that." He said. "You?"

"I come here religiously." You said smiling.

"Wow surprised I've never seen you." He said chuckling.

"Can I join you?" You asked.

"Sure why not?" He said. "By the way I'm Daniel."

"Cool I'm Olivia." You said.

You sat down next to Daniel and you guys talked for a bit. You guys played and sang together and had so much fun.

"Wait a second." You said.

"What?" Daniel asked.

"I've seen you somewhere." You said with a thinking face.

"Um yea you've seen me for like the past 45 minutes." Daniel said chuckling.

"No but I've seen you somewhere else.. AHA!" You yelled.

"What?" Daniel asked confusedly.

"You're in a band!" You said. "Why Don't We!"

"That is correct." He said smiling.

You guys talked more and had an amazing time. It was almost 9 and you told Daniel you had to get home.

"I should get going." You said getting up.

"Ok me too. I'll see you tomorrow?" Daniel asked.

"Yep be here at 6!" You said excitedly.

"Ooh someone is excited." Daniel said smiling at you.

"Hey you're super cool and I like hanging out with you." You said.

"Ok well text me." Daniel said giving you a slip of paper.

"Ok. Because I know you can't wait till tomorrow to talk to me." You said sarcastically.

"Actually I think you are the one that can't wait to see me." Daniel said smiling.

You blushed. You hugged and said goodbye. For the rest of night you thought about Daniel. He's just so cute.

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