Chapter Six [I long for that feeling to not feel at all]

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"Good Morning guys." The three of them walked into the kitchen. I swallowed down a sip of water with my pills before hugging the three.

" Morning beautiful." Oliver smiled.

"How was your sleep?" I smiled before grabbing a few coffee mugs.

"Great." He kissed my forehead and grabbed his cup.

"Are we almost out of k-cups?" I asked as he rummaged through the cabinet.

"No, we're just out of my Italian roast. " He frowned.

"I'll get some more while I'm shopping for groceries." I sighed.

"wait I found a box." He chuckled.

"okay babe, I'm about to drop off our daughter." I grabbed my keys from the bowl on the counter. I walked towards the front door.

"Im ready!" Lily chimed in running out of her room.

"Have fun." Oliver chuckled walking towards her for a kiss on her cheek.

"Have fun at work, tell the guys to not to mess around to much." I smiled before walking out the door. He grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"Forgot something?" He smiled. I kissed him and said 'i love you' before closing the door.


The store was empty at the time. I was on a mission to find some Chai Latte mix for my busy morning coming up ahead.

Crap Winston coming, you need to get some snacks, but he's a vegetarian so I dont know if he likes the full vegan cuisines we go for?

I just grabbed anything not caring what it was, and went to the check out area.

The cashier was nearly about to fall asleep.

poor guy, he needs a break. where's the self check out?

I looked around.

Damn all of them are taken Everyone else had the same idea as me.

I strolled by the only open cash register and coughed slightly waking him up.

"I'm so sorry miss, I had a busy night for finals." He apologized.

"It's okay, I understand." I smiled politely.

"Im sorry, but you look familiar?" He looked closely to me.

What the hell?

"I come here a lot." I laughed.

"Did you used to model or sing or something like that?"

Huh? oh yeah I forgot about that.

"Both, my husbands in a band and I modeled for his clothing line a few times, and I'm in a band myself." I smiled to myself.

"That's right! I knew I've seen you somewhere! My sister loves you, your name is lily right?"

"No, that's my daughter's name. I'm Rose." I smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Rose, well here's your things that will be about £25" He laughed.

(A/N: I dont know if that was the right currency for pounds.. sorry.)

"It's no problem." I handed him the money and grabbed the two paper bags.

It's been a while since I met some type of fan.


"You're back!" Alan screamed.

"I know I brought you guys chips to snack on." I tossed him the two bags of Doritos.

"Thanks!" He kissed my cheek.

"I have War Horse about to play, do you want to watch it with me?" Austin asked.

"Of course, we haven't been movie buddies in forever." I smiled and hugged him.

We watched the movie together, I got laughed at ever time Tom Hiddleston was in a scene. He is possibly my biggest celebrity crush that's why.

"We're watching another Hiddleston movie now since you wouldn't shut up Austin." I quickly looked up Under The Deep Blue Sea on Netflix and pressed play. I cuddled into my blanket with Austin when I got to the awkward naked scene in the begging.

"Oliver is going to find out you saw another Brits butt today when he comes home." Austin joked.

"Shut up..."

I slowly began to fall asleep once we hit the part where they began to fight outside the bar.

"Wake up you need to pick up Lily in thirty minutes." Austin nudged me.

"She's going to grandmas today." I yawned.


"Because they love her and they dont want her to see me at this stage. They think she wouldn't take it too well like everyone else." Austin smile suddenly fell.

"I miss her already, but its for the best. I feel like Oliver is pretending nothing happened right now to be honest." He pulled me closer.

"I know sun shine. But hey look on the bright side, your loved ones are all coming over tomorrow. The guys back home are touring here and after they are done they have a month on break." He smiled.

"Vic's coming in a month?" I smiled.

He laughed and kissed my temple.

"let me get you your pills and you can take a nap. You need some rest okay, Winston is coming from the air port tonight remember." He walked into the kitchen getting a glass.

Soon my eyelids shut and I fell into a deep sleep.

Hey guys I'm studying for my biology state test right now. Oh and I'm about to release my first non fanfic book. Tell me if you like it or not I'm about to release the first chapter now. I sorta made this character based of of me but also about this girl I kept dreaming about. I hope you lile it


The Tides Will Bring Me Back To You (Sequel to Adopted By Austin Carlile)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt