Chapter Nine [Im begging you to spare me]

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Today was the day everyone was leaving back to the states. I told them to call me when they land in New York and before they fly off to California.

"Im going to miss you two." I hugged both of them never letting go.

"Dont worry hun' stay safe." Austin kissed my forehead.

"Good luck on your check up." Alan kissed my cheek after he hugged me.

"Bye Papí." Lily smiled while she hugged Austin one last time before they had to leave.

I loved how Austin was called Papí instead of grandpa or pop-pop or even papa. Just seeing then together reminded me how close me and Austin were when I was young. She chosen the name Papí when she was five because she saw a very old childhood video Sam sent me with my Papí on christmas. I didnt know that video still existed, I thought almost everything was burned away or lost somewhere unknown.

Thinking about Samantha made me realize how strange my life is. The weird dreams, my family itself was strange... I wonder what it was like for her? We lost contact over the years because of our busy life styles. she got a job in the fashion like Oli working on a tattoo inspired theme.

It seemed like seconds later that the two left and I got a text from winston saying he arrived safely. The crowd washed over us and my dad and uncle weren't in sight anymore.

"Come on we need to go to the doctors now." I sighed and lightly grabbed Lilys' hand.


"Mr and Mrs. Sykes." The Nurse called our names leading us to the office.

"Hello again." Doctor John smiled.

"It's good to see you two look well. How's the medication doing for you?" He asked politely.

"It's been making less active than how I normally am, but the pain has been barley there." I nodded.

"Any other symptoms? "

"I've been throwing up a lot lately, and im now seeing some hair loss which is normal apperantly." I sighed.

"I'm sorry to hear that Mrs. Sykes." He frowned.

"So I see your here for the chemo radiation therapy..." he sighed.

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"Im sorry to say this but stage one is a three month trial, from your records it isn't covered for you Mrs. Sykes." He ran his fingers through his blonde hair.

"Oh..." My stomach dropped, I felt my insides go numb after he explained how even if I did pay so much money it would still be too late. I felt Oliver's hand rub my leg for comfort.

"What about the pills? Have they done anything at all?" Oliver spoke up.

"As far as I know the pain seemed to decrease but we will have to take a full examination to see if the livers' tissue has repaired itself or if the cancer have spread throughout the liver."He kept flipping through every page of my reports.

"Its seems like you have Fibrolamellar hepatoma it's a rare subtype of hepatoma. It typically develops in a liver which was previously healthy."

Me and Oliver gave the poor man a confused look. Both of us trying to process what ever he just said.

"Its a rare cancer in places like here in the U.K. The lining in your liver was being ripped apart from the inside so it could build up cells and eventually create a tumor." He continued.

"Its too late Mrs. Sykes we dont have enough resources to even know if that is really where the cancer started. With it being in your liver we can't even tell if its from your lungs or any other organ." He finally stopped.

"Now I'm really sorry this has happened to you but I can't do anything for you. Even if I could do anything there's a big chance for it to return, I can't see you two waste your money that way. "

"Is there anything we could do to atleast slow it down?" Oliver sighed running his fingers through his hair.

"My best guess is to continue to take the pills and make everything count." He gave me a sad smiled.

"I am truthfully sorry Mrs. Sykes but I have an appointment in five minutes." He stood up and left his office.

"Come on, we need to head back home." Oliver helped me up before we walked out of Doctor Johns office.

"Come on Lily. We're going home." Oliver called her over. She stayed quiet strolling behind us until we reached the car.



When I followed my mother and father to our motor-car. I can tell the news was bad... They were silent, there was now joy filled excitement as planned. All that appeared to be was a faceless mask on my mothers face. I may be in 6th grade but im not stupid. I know when something is wrong. Everything is wrong and there's nothing we can do about it....

Dad turned the music a little bit louder to block the sniffling coming from my mother.

"I love you mom." I managed to say. It was the least I could really do actually.

My mind wandered to the day I found out mom had cancer...

I walked upstairs hearing soft sobs coming from their room.

"Mom? I'm home..." I said before cracking the door. My mother was sitting on the edge of  her bed holding a small picture from our last family vacation. The time we went to DisneyLand with Papí...

"Are you okay?" I slowly walked over to her.

"Im fine... How was grandma and grandpa's?"  She wiped her eyes.

"It was fine, but are you sure? You look a bit yellow are ya' sick?" I fave her a worried smile.

"Yes im a little bit ill."  She sighed.

"Do you need anything?" 

She sighed once more before opening her arms up for a hug. She held me in her arms like any other good mother would and broken into tears crying. I stayed in her arms until she finally said what she wanted to say.

"I have cancer..."

"What? What do you mean you have cancer?" I froze.

"I have only four months baby girl."  at this moment both of us were crying our eyes out. I finally pulled away to wipe my face.

"Don't worry we'll find a way mom." I tried to cheer her up. It somewhat worked.

"You remind me of your father sometimes." She gave me a light smiled.

" I love you baby girl."

"I love you too mom."

I can't see a future without my mom...

I dont like to think about this but if she doesn't make it what happens next?

So hey everyone! As you can see I actually explained more of Roses' illness bring out more of what's really going on in the story. Oh, and you finally got to see Lilys' whole perspective on the situation itself too. She may be like what twelve in the story but remember she's the daughter of Rose Carlile if she wasnt clever and artistic than what would she be? One more thing... SCHOOL IS OVER!!! That means MORE UPDATES in the future for you guys. Love you guys!

The Tides Will Bring Me Back To You (Sequel to Adopted By Austin Carlile)Where stories live. Discover now