Chapter Ten [cross my heart, I dont want to die]

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We arrived home a few hours ago, everyone seemed so tired that we all took a nap. I woke up and went downstairs thinking about playing a game on the x-box. Most of then were really old from when we toured all the time. So we didnt have a lot of choices really...


My COD I haven't played in forever.

some family games

GTA "Oliver's"

Saints Row "Mine"


Rock band... well ive been wanting to play that for a week.

"What are you up too?" He yawned while holding onto my hips while I continued to stare into the small game collection.

"I wanted to play Rock Band 3." I shrugged.

"Figured it would take my mind off of things." I sighed.

"Remember how we would get all the guys to come over and we'll play rounds to see who's the best." He smiled.

"Yea, you sucked." I giggled.

"I wasnt that bad, I just can't play on expert." He laughed.


 ......13 years ago.....

"Babe you such at Rock Band." I was laughing at Oliver who was trying to play the guitar.

"You try playing expert then!" He complained.

"What do you think I did while my dad was on tour when I was 16." I smiled kissing his cheek and pausing the game.

"Pick a different song, you can play bass instead." I picked up a guitar.

"Im going to pick a hard song then." He stuck his tongue out.

"Aye Nicholls you playin drums this round?" I turned around to see all of them drinking beer and watching us.

"What song?"  I turned over to Oliver waiting for an answer.

"Marianas Trench by August Burns Red." Oliver said.

"You bastard!" I smiled at my husband.

"Aye i said it was going to be hard." He smiled.

Matt sat down on the drum set while i was hooking up the other guitar for myself. 

"Dont break ma' Drums." I pointed at Nicholls.

"I wont." He smirked.

"Someone get this on camera." Jordan laughed while grabbing another beer out of the fridge. 

"Im gonna feel bad for matt and Rose for this song on expert. Theres a lot of foot work in this bands songs." Lee said.

The song started to play and I strummed along to one of my favorite songs on this game. I could almost feel everyones eye's on me waiting for me to fail since we are judging on who's percentage is better.

"Does anyone understand why I have a finger cramp!" I laughed not looking away from the screen.

All you hear in the room besides the song is Matt nearly breaking the drums and me and Oliver's guitars making that clicking noise when we hit a note.

"Never let Oli choose a song ever again." I smiled when I finally got a short break.

"Agreed." Matt laughed.

"We're playing queen next and im taking the losers spot!" Jordan yelled from the kitchen.

"I call Mic!" I screamed.

Finally after what seemed forever the three of us finished the song.

"Oliver you suck at Rock Band isnt that kinda ironic dont ya' think." I playfully joked.

"Its not my fault im only good with my voice."

"You can't use that excuse with me babe." I kissed his cheek before changing to the next song to bohemian rhapsody by Queen.

"91 percent my ass..." Oliver mumbled. I gave him another smile before taking his guitar and giving it to Mr. Fish. Matt took my guitar leaving Oliver with no instrument.

"Oli join in with me" I laughed when I grabbed the mic and sat next to him.

------------present time--------------

"I Still think its ironic." I smiled.

"So care to join me?" I began to set up the game.

"fine." He shook his head at me before planting a small kiss on my cheek.

After a few songs I decided I wanted to go back to sleep. Instead of going upstairs ive became lazy and chosen the couch.

"Oli?" He seemed surprised to hear his name.

"yes, anything I could get for you?"

"Lay down with me?" I shifted around on the couch trying to make room for him.

"I dont think we can both lay down there anymore, I might fall off." He chuckled.

"Fine, carry me?" I dont want to move. My legs are begging me not too from how sore they became. I cant seem to do much now anyway.

He didn't question me this time, he wrapped his arms around me and carried me upstairs without a problem. Thats weird, he picked me up as if I was light as a feather. Either he started working out or I started losing weight, and its defiantly not the first one.

I realized we were already in our bedroom laying in bed. I felt his arms around me while I cuddled into his chest. All I could hear is his heart beat reminding me this is what its like to be alive.

"Im going to miss you two." I sighed.

"Rose we talked about this. Everything's going to be fine,  can you atleast pretend that nothing is happening your begining to scare lily." He held me tighter.

"Why cant we be young forever?" I smiled having the thought in my head.

"Because we're not in neverland." He chuckled.

"We shouldn't be stuck pretending that everything is just fine, at some point we grow up. Time is chasing us after all." I sighed.

a/n: guys try to figure what movie I got that lesson from and its not peter pan

"Do you really want to die Rose?" I can feel that he tensed up a bit just asking me the question.

"Cross my heart, I dont want to die" I tried my best to sit up, but I failed to. I waisted all my energy to spend time with him.

"I can't believe you just quoted one of my songs."He smiled.

I returned the smile and gave him a small kiss and went back to cuddling until we both fell asleep.

I am so sorry!

It's been a while since I updated, this summer has been so bad for me since ive been sick the entire time! I finally began to feel better about two days ago.

Any authors reading this? Care to recommend any books?

So how was fathers day? Tell me in the comments and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

I love you guys!



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