I don’t know what love is but I think I found something similar to it, in you. Love is getting butterflies, all the damn time. Whether it be when I see you, when someone says your name, or just at the thought of you. Love is making you laugh and knowing that’s the only laugh I want to hear for the rest of my life. Love is seeing you happy and being happy because of it. Love is that phone call at 2 am because you’re drunk and you want to hear my voice. Love is the restless nights because all my mind can think about is you, you, you. Love is the way you can touch me without using your hands. Love is the forehead kisses before class, the cheek kisses because you know they’re my favorite, the neck kisses that you know drive me insane, and the other kisses because why the hell not? Love is driving around in your truck, windows down, screaming country music at the top of ours lungs. Love is hating country music but when you sing it, it sounds better than any other rap, pop, rock song out there. But love is also the fights. Love is not talking for days but then caving in because we both miss each other too much. Love is forgiving each other even if we don’t deserve it. Love is the harsh words that we said. Love is the feeling of regret. Love is being in so much pain when you’re gone. Love is letting you go. Love is making sure you’re happy before me because I value your happiness above mine. I’m still not sure what love is, but love has got to be me and you

Not mine

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