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And they'll never understand where I'm coming from,
They can never feel my pain.
They don't feel my anger or my hatred,
They don't know what happens in my brain.

Like how I get sick from looking at Canada Dry because it reminds me of him.
It reminds me of when he took away my innocence,
he committed the ultimate sin.

Or why I don't like drinking because my dad turns into someone new.
His personality changes, he becomes aggressive too.

And maybe I drink because it helps me forget for a while.
I become lost in a daze, and not worry.
I can actually smile.

I can't seem to catch a wink of sleep.
I've become so restless and tired.
I'm can't handle this much stress.
I feel expired.

But I keep moving forward for people that don't deserve me.
I keep putting myself in difficult situations, trying to be who they want me to be.

But when I'm alone you get the uncut version of me.
You know, the one that you don't wanna see.

But oh well, my life's never been quite perfect, and it never will be.
I'll just keep living each day disappointed.
Maybe one day I can truly be


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