Chapter 1

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His name was Newt.

That's all he could remember when he woke up strapped to a hospital bed.

His eyes opened abruptly to nothing.
Overhead, fluorescent lights cut through his vision. The buzzing filled his ears.
He began to panic when he saw the leather wrapped around his wrists. He jostled around and found his ankles were accessorized with the restraints as well. He could do nothing but squirm around filled with fear.
"Don't fight it. It'll only make it worse."
His head spun around to look for the source of the advice he had been given. To the right, a few feet away from him, there was another metal hospital bed. There was also another person laying in it.
It was a girl.
"Wh-who are you?" He stuttered, too confused and frustrated to be polite.
"I don't know. But I know my name is Luna." She said rather sadly.
She looked about fifteen or sixteen. She had long and frizzy dirty blonde hair that framed her face. Her skin was pale, her cheeks a slight rose color, the dark circles under her eyes highlighted under the fluorescent lights.
Newt saw that, she too, was strapped down. Bruises sprouted along her forearm as well as around her wrists and ankles.
"Do you know where we are?" She asked him, her face anxious.
"I was just about to ask you that." He replied.
The eagerness drained from her face. She threw her head back against the pillow and let out a frustrated groan.
She laid still for no more than three seconds before vigorously squirming around, trying to thrust her arms out of the straps.
"You're just gonna hurt yourself." Newt warned her, deciding to try and calm himself down as well as his roommate.
He took a shaky breath and wiggled his hands a bit, trying to stop them from shaking. Questions swarmed around him but he pushed them away, trying to focus on how to get out of the straps.
"I know but I can't just lay here." She told him, still moving around.
Finally she stopped, tired of trying.
"What's your name?" Luna asked.
"..Newt." He said, taking a little while to reply, still coming to terms with their situation. He didn't have to ask Luna to know that she couldn't remember anything either.
"What happened? Why are we here?" He asked even though he didn't expect an elaborate answer.
"I don't know. I woke up not long before you did and nothing has changed since. I have no idea what's going on but it can't be good. I can't remember anything. Only my name. I assume you are in the same situation."
"I am. How long have you tried to get out of this bloody thing?" He asked, hoping she might've given up early, and that there was still ways to get out that she hasn't thought of yet.
"A long time. I stopped when the leather and metal started cutting into my skin." She said, gazing at her ankles. He saw dry blood where she was looking.
Other than the two beds and fluorescent lights, there was nothing else in the room. He assumed the door was locked and even if it wasn't, it did them no good. It all seemed so utterly pointless, Newt felt like screaming.
Luna's exclamation snapped him out of his daze.
"What's wrong?" He felt general concern for her, even though he just met her. It surprised and confused him.
"Your strap is loose!" She said, pointing a finger at his right wrist. He looked and sure enough, it was. He could have sworn it wasn't loose before but he eagerly jostled his wrist around and soon the strap was off. Next he freed his left wrist from its imprisonment and fumbled with the ankles straps until he was finally out.
He took no time jumping out of the bed and heading over to Luna to help her out.
Her face was filled with eagerness as if each second it took him to undo the leather from her wrists was a year off of her life. Once her wrists were free, she began helping him with the ankle straps.
The straps on her ankles were extremely tight. The skin poked over the material like the people who strapped her in wanted it to hurt as much as possible. Newt tried to carefully undo the straps, trying not to hurt his new companion.
Soon Luna was out as well and he helped her climb out of the bed since she was a little shaky.
She was wearing a blue cotton dress and tennis shoes. He looked at what he was dressed in.
Blue cotton pants and a blue cotton shirt with tennis shoes. That couldn't be a coincidence.
He looked for Luna's reaction to the similar clothes but when he looked at her face all he saw was someone he knew. He felt such a connection to her it was as if someone took a string and tied it to each of them. But he couldn't remember how he knew her or where he knew her from. Her eyes suddenly widened and she whispered, "I know you."

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