The lost spark

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One sided conversation wasn't what sunbeam was into and she wanted to be a bit aloof today but sighing, abiding her dear carrier's tasks was easy.
But she couldn't scratch this deep ascending feeling..she wasn't surely informed why her carrier seeked her to perform practices in medical research. She had no skills there not even with patient's would allow her to operate on them, she hated to feel underminded by a bunch of meches who've only one idea for her kind.
Sunbeam sweating a bit as she worked on her latest task and trying to encourage herself it's for the best in her situation. Awhile ago she had taken a break, all but deeply nobody had time for her and she ate alone, sitting in her carrier's medical chair she tinkered with tools. She gave an aggravated sigh, tossed the useless tool she couldn't fix aside and rubbed her helm as her optics squinted in disbelief at her self.
She was filthy! Her once white paint grimmed with patches of dark an grey blotches! ugh, here she thought she couldn't get dirtier!
She sighed a sigh of relief when the medicbay doors slid aside an her sire stood there grinning, waved. "Hey sweetspark, here I find ya thought'cha would be hangin aroun'd old knockers?" Wheeljack a mech of few word's, more of action speaks louder then pointless gibber was undoubtedly her sire. "Nahhh! Old crank wanted to make use of his sparkling who can't do nothin else." Sunbeam said as she hugged her sire an he raised an optic bridge. "Now com'on sun there isn't much today now's but ya can't just put ya'self down like that darlin how many time's I gotta tell ya?" Wheeljack scrunched his nose ridge, crossed his forearms while his back strengthens a bit. "But it's true! I'm just..a useless femme who can't even lift a bot..twice my size..not even be a wrecker like you pa.." She said as if she was afraid to even glance his way. He was right but deep down she didn't feel that way. She couldn't even fit in with the regular old freaking sparklings! Her back turned to him, slowly she curled her servos in and clenched her lips together.
"I'm gonna go for a walk pa..I'll be back before din." She said softly, eased on past her sire who sighed an watched as his only ray of sun slip through his hand's. She could do so much yet..she's afraid to actually try.
"One day she'll be there." Wheeljack smiled an left the medicbay to go find his partner.

Sunbeam sweating as she jogged up an down a few block's not far from their location she lived but close enough for her to escape anything. She wasn't as big as most femmes well maybe taller then Nightbird but everyone literally thought birdie was a microbot, that was debunked when shockwave stated otherwise.  The point is she wasn't caple of many thing's she thought was possible, that usually what snares her into trouble. She would try so hard to impress her carrier an sire but due to her thick headedness she wasn't keen on giving up. She could but she doesn't like feeling all that down so she pushes herself until someone or something break's. The day was coming to an end an though she could go home before dinner, just have a wonderful time with her parental unit. But sunbeam decided to just walk down their street to none other nightbird's home unit, right as she walked toward the fifth row of unit habit room's she saw nightbird who could be seen as a meer sparkling. But don't get the idea of her being small as something to see as weak or ill she was smart an brilliantly brave in many concepts of subjects, yet timid an will likely overheat an go into system override due to her sensitive nature her parental units are fickle about her soundings an those who come into contact with her. Through her small friend sunbeam saw hope an deep fondness for the small femme of the two and would prove to birdie she was worth every dent an scratch to her body.

Sunbeam shook her helm as she smiled at nightbird who welcomed her long term friend with a welcoming smile, servos reaching out to pat sunbeam's face plating. "Hiyah birdie where ya been all this time?" She whispered to the blind femme who usually touched to see, it pained her at times when birdie crashed into wall's or other's an seeing her trailing behind her parental units was rather adorable as she held onto them for guidance. "Was asleep for awhile felt tired from working on a new gadget." Birdie said, pulled out a makeshift bracelet, sun just shuffled to peer down at it. Birdie had a nack for tinkering with stuff an surprise a few bots that she is able to tell what she's doing. "Looks a lil wonky but will be a bad arse bracelet bet'cha." Sun cracked a smile as she saw nightbird smile her visor shined with a light of purple an blue as she popped up a picture of a smily face.
"Ha, cute birdie and I think I should congratulate you on that big major convention you are headin for." Sunbeam shook her helm at how talented her small yet fragile friend became. "I don't wanna..go but sire insists it's to get appraised for my hard work..or whatever that means." Nightbird said softly and looked down as she shuffled her peds. "Ahh yeah sires can be like that worrying an what nots but all ya gotta do is pretend to care." Sunbeam whispered into nightbird's audio receptor, nudged her. "Ha." Birdie laughed, had turned to see her sire standing not far his helm held high like a fancy mech but also one to respect for his scientific studies. "I have to go, it was good seeing you again sun." Nightbird said an hugging sunbeam's torso due to their height difference. "Back'a'cha birdie."

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