Why me

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The walk home was dreading and thickly with tension. Sunbeam dare not even glance at wheeljack's facial plate's fearing she knew the rage he held. But she couldn't help the small tears that leaked down her face plate's and holding her servos on her arm's. She was dirty and hungry an scared an leaned into his side and wheeljack could be mad as hell if he wanted to, although she was in deep trouble. He sympathize her curiosity and what not but she was still his sparkling to him she was all he could care for beside his significant other. She was trembling and he held her tightly beside him and walked her to their habit unit and seeing ratchet's scrunched up frown turn into worry and they both knew she was just as terrified as they were. "Hey now doll don't have'ta hide anymore we're here." Wheeljack rubbed his lil sparks shoulder plate, set her beside them on their large metalic sofa seats.
She couldn't hold her tear's and let out a whail of anguish an clung to her sire an carrier as she knew she fucked up, thought bad but she was so scared of what happened moment's ago with that meche. "you are home." Ratchet rubbed her small of her back an felt a bit eased when she was giving muffled sniffs and wiped her optic's as she looked up. "You're bleeding!?" Ratchet stammered his optic's widen, pulling his youngling by the arm she just followed.
"B-but its not mine." sunbeam spoke quietly as if she was speaking to a large wall which is kinda sorta true but her carrier wasn't scary just a way bit to much controlling an over bearing. "Sunbeam who is it then! If IT'S not yours then tell me!" Ratchet said his servos on his hip's and wheeljack not far behind arm's crossed.
"I-I don't know I-I just sa..saw this mech-" She froze when her sire stood upright, walked over pointed a digit at her. "Did he hit you! Sun what fragging makes you go off like that, have us worried over you thinking something no it already did happen!" Wheeljack was lifting her arm's an checking her here an there till he held her ear plating, turns to ratchet.
"You see that! Some punk hit our lil girl!" Wheeljack shouted angrily, sunbeam pushed her sires servos away.
"No! I fell an dented it myself pa!" Sunbeam tride to explain but was sternly silenced by her parental units and knew there's no argument with them.

She sat in her berth room curled up on her side and listening to her parent's bicker outside their cozy two berthroom unit. She tossed onto her backside an remember those deadpan optic's staring back at her from that paled facial plate. She shuddered at the thought of something happening if her sire hadn't shown up.
Agh she was restless an tired but her processor wasn't letting her recharge! She sighed an looked at the window. That's when she yelled out at the sudden change of it's wall and looked as if it had stains of someone else's energon on it.
Sunbeam's blue optic's widen as her room felt like a prison an she was the victim of some sick meches plan.
"Sun what's the fuss sunshine?" She heard her sire open her door, step inside. "The-there was energon all over the wall.." Sunbeam stuttered but saw the wall clean an no trace of such mess.
"There ain't nuthin there sunshine?" Wheeljack knelt beside her an placed a servo over her helm an she was burning up. "Look's like ya need some rest doll, I'll bring ya some hot energon to ease ya." He spoke to her but to be honest all she could hear was him leaving. She just wanted to sleep but she was afraid, this felt like an endless nightmare for her.
Sunbeam's ped's softly walked her to the door an she stepped out of the room. She felt like primus had taken her spark and left her hollowed and sickly. There before her was the one and only meche who smiled her way and cuased her to tremble in her armor. "Ah, this is my sparkling sunbeam, she is now 19 vorn's now ah how time flies on by." Ratchet speaking to the meche who just stared at sunbeam who looked ready to keel over.

This wasn't what she was expecting at all and here he is standing in their living room space. His wing's silently twitched as she felt like he could reach her in a nano klick.

"The pleasure is all mine ratchet." Pharma's metallic lip's quirked as he bowed to sunbeam. "It's a pleasure to meet my colleague's heir so soon." He just smiled that sickening grin with so many secrets.
All she can do now is just blow her vents out an turn on her heel heading to their kitchen. She could hear his voice over in the kitchen and desperately wished her parent's would just already kick him out. He gave her the up most weirdest feeling not something she needed or at all wanted. She sighed and sipped her hot energon and thought of her friend's all together on the trip to the koan ruins in two day's. She could totally need that now, evade reality just for a moment.

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