Nine - Firing Squad

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Of fucking course they were playing dodgeball. Jeremy hugged his sweater around him and leaned against the wall. They were going to get killed. These athletes would batter his brains out with the ball and he'd wake up with wings again and everything would come crashing down.

Michael, of course, told him not to worry about it.

"Dude, we fought off the SQUIP. How is this any harder than that?"

"I can tell you've ditched gym every day for three years. You have no idea. It turns into a firing squad."

"Pssh. It's not like--" He was cut off by the ball slamming into the wall inches from his face. The game had started while they were talking. "Okay, you weren't kidding." Together, the scrambled for cover behind their classmates.

Somehow, they were the last two people left standing on their team. The heat in Jeremy's throat only grew. He didn't dare to open his mouth. They were open targets.

And it only took thirty seconds for them to both get out. Michael got hit first, a ball knocking him squarely in the face. He stumbled off to the sidelines, cursing under his breath. Jeremy didn't even try to stay in. He managed to turn so that the ball smacked into his shoulder, someplace that would hurt less. It still throbbed. That would bruise. He wished his armored scales could somehow translate to his human body. For a fleeting moment, he considered rounding on the other team, who were snickering at their pathetic attempt, and going full dragon. Giant monster to torch them? It was tempting. He shook the thought from his mind seconds after it appeared. What was happening? A few months ago, he wouldn't have dared tell anyone. Now he wanted to show everyone in a moment of humiliation. What was happening?

It was Michael's fault. He was the only person whose opinion Jeremy really cared about anymore. Once he knew, why should he care if everyone else did? Because you're a monster, Jeremy and they'll either all freak out and hate you or drag you off to be put in a zoo or experimented on or something. Right, that. He flopped down on the floor next to Michael, who was massaging his nose as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Dude! You were hit that hard? Are you okay?" Michael waved him off.

"I'm fine. The ball just jammed my glasses into my face. They kinda dug into my nose. Getting hit in the nose would make anyone cry." He chuckled to himself. Jeremy felt a pang. Michael was trying so hard not to embarrass himself, which wasn't working so well (after all, it was gym class). It was a miracle his glasses hadn't broken. But if Jeremy's arm hurt, Michael's face must've felt like it was on fire. Speaking of which...

"Here." Jeremy handed him the handkerchief. Michael raised his eyebrows. "Look, I know it won't really help, but it can get the tears to go away, at least." Michael gave him a weak smile and took the handkerchief, wiping at his face with it. Michael reached to pull him into a hug, but stopped himself halfway, realizing with a start that they were in the gym, with a ton of people around. Even if no one was watching them, it wasn't the best place to be having any kind of breakdown. Instead, he pulled Jeremy into a sideways half-hug.

"Alright, Charizard," he said, dropping the handkerchief into Jeremy's lap. "I'll admit it. You were right. Dodgeball sucks ass."

"Stop calling me Charizard." Jeremy swatted at his arm.

"No way, dude. Unless you'd prefer Smaug."

"Charizard isn't even a dragon type..." Jeremy muttered as they joined the throng to the locker room, finally excused.

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