Ten - Jenna Rolan

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Jenna cornered Michael in math class, doing her normal gossip snooping and asking him questions. Calculus was a bitch, and Michael was glad for the distraction from it and his still sore nose, until he realized that it was Jenna Rolan doing the asking. About something that was definitely a secret.

"So, Michael, word's going around that you're seeing someone."

"Uh huh," he punched away at his calculator for another minute.

"Aren't you going to tell me who?"

"You seem to know already."

"Well, a guy, I'm assuming."

"You know me so well."

"And apparently you've been going around saying he's a dragon?" Michael's hand froze over his notebook.

"In bed? You bet." He chuckled, doing everything he could to seem nonchalant.

"Rich seems to think differently. He said you were bragging in Chemistry this morning that your boyfriend could breathe fire."

"You and Rich both know I tend say some weird shit, especially since I usually come to school high."

"You're being awfully defensive." Jenna squinted at him. He averted his gaze to the phone in her hands. Of-fucking-course she was recording the whole thing. He shouldn't have expected less.

"Yeah, because he doesn't want to be out. I can be a good boyfriend, can't I?"

"Is it Jeremy?" Michael's breath hitched.

"Why would you think it's Jeremy?"

"You two are awfully close."

"We've been friends since we were five. Duh we're close."

"Would you know if he was a dragon?"

"I thought we were talking about my love life, not Game of Thrones," Michael half-joked. Jenna didn't respond. She just sat there with this smug little smirk on her face. Michael's scalp itched with irritation. She was too good at this. Jeremy was right. He should've kept his mouth shut. He sighed. "Jenna, I was kidding about the dragon thing. There's no way Jeremy's a dragon. Dragons don't exist. And if they did, why would they be going to high school in New Jersey?"

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend?"

"I said I was kidding! He's perfectly human just like everyone else."

"Who, Jeremy?"

"Yes! That's what I just said!" Michael's eyes widened. Fuck. He fucked up. Jenna grinned.

"You and Jeremy finally got together. I'm proud, Mikey. Do you know how many people have been waiting for this?"

"Don't call me Mikey," he grumbled into his calculations as the teacher walked by. There was a tingling flush in his face. He had no clue if it was from guilt or plain old embarrassment at being outed by his own mouth. One thing was certain, though. If he was a dragon, he'd be setting stuff on fire right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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