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^ Finlay Thomas ^

Thursday was the day that Mystery Boy was no longer called Mystery Boy.

I didn't expect to find out his name so soon. And you may be thinking that I just went up to him myself and asked him what his name was.

But no.

I was sitting at my usual table in the small cafe on 31st Street, when Mystery Boy arrived and ordered a coffee and donut.

I slowly closed my notebook that I was drawing in and followed him with my eyes.

He carried his mug and plate to the same table he sat at every day, his new book wedged under his arm.

I pulled my camera out without even looking, and kept my eyes on the prize. That prize being Mystery Boy.

He sat down on one of the two chairs at the table and put his stuff on the surface. He opened his book and started reading.

He started playing with his lip again, and I personally thought it was really cute when he did that.

He reached towards his donut and took a bite out of it, I snapped a picture.

But instead of him staying alone and reading like every other day, a man approached his table and said something to him.

"Good morning," the man said in a booming voice. 

Mystery Boy looked up and smiled at the man. "Good morning."

They shook hands and Mystery Boy motioned for the man to sit down. "What's your name again?" the man asked Mystery Boy.

Mystery Boy sat down his book. "Finlay Thomas, sir."

My heart stopped.

Mystery Boy was no longer Mystery Boy.

Mystery Boy was Finlay Thomas.

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