The Nashville Coven

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"And I thought I had it bad, being in the closet and not finding anyone I jived with for a few years," Rena said as they pulled onto the main road. "I can't imagine being in Emily's shoes."

"She's rather brave, isn't she?" Gwenn said. "Picking up her life and moving across the country all alone like that."

Rena nodded, "I hope she finds peace. Oregon is supposed to be like a dream. All green and mist and soft rainy nights. I wouldn't mind it there either."

"Sounds like home," Gwenn said wistfully. Her sisters and parents had popped into her thoughts more than usual today.

They fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in musings of what it would be like to pack up their lives and leave.

Rena would be able to do it. No doubt about it.

Despite being a self-proclaimed hermit, Rena had the ability to latch onto the right people and draw them close. Not everyone loved her, but when they did, they loved her fully. Rena would be able to make a home anywhere she chose.

I'd never manage. The idea of leaving her younger sisters, not being there for when they got married and had kids, not being an auntie, or assist her aging parents was heartbreaking.

"Turn right here," Gwenn said, catching sight of the street sign she'd been looking for.

Rena swerved the convertible onto an attractive tree-lined street.

"I think we're in for a fancier experience than we had in Duluth," Rena commented, her dark eyes widening.

"Goddess be," Gwenn murmured, staring at the Victorian styled homes they passed. Each a far cry from the stone cottages and small wooden homes she'd grown up with.

Gwenn spotted the coven house at the end of the cul-de-sac and pointed it out. "It's the largest on this street," Gwenn exclaimed looking up at the beautiful, stately blue and white mansion before them. Two enormous weeping willows lined the walkway up to the house. A yearning to reach out and dance beneath their swaying limbs came over Gwenn as she stared at their whimsical branches. Other, smaller trees dotted the grounds around the home hugging the periphery of flourishing gardens.

Rena parked on the side of the street and Emily pulled to a stop behind them.

"Do y'all know these witches?" Emily asked her hazel eyes wide as she met up with them on the sidewalk.

"Not personally. I contacted them a couple weeks ago to see if a bunk room was available. My uncle gave me the idea. He and my aunt used to take in loads of traveling witches. When I called the witch I spoke with said the more the merrier. Now I can see why. I wouldn't be surprised if we each got our own room." Rena replied.

"Wheeeel I'm not complaining 'bout that," Em said her fingers gracing the willow branches as they walked beneath the trees.

"Sounds like a party," Gwenn cocked her head to the side as a hum of noise met her ears. "It's not a witching holiday. Did they mention a local celebration going on?"

Rena's brow furrowed. "No. They didn't. I wonder if the person I spoke to forgot?"

"Only one way to find out," Gwenn said, stepping up to the door and ringing the bell.


The door cracked open. Dark skin and careful eyes the color of chocolate peeked out.

"Who's there," the woman barked, her coiled curls falling across her face as she leaned closer.

Rogue Fae, A Starseed Universe NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now