What's Said in the Salon . . .

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As Violet had predicted it would be, the Salon Southern Chic was packed full of gossiping women. The wait was twenty minutes so Gwenn, Rena, and Emily settled in to listen with magazines as props. I hope we'll hear something before they call my name and we can get moving.

"Sense anything Emily?" Rena asked lowering the first celebrity gossip magazine she'd ever touched and leaning Emily's direction.

"Not a damn person that feels like she may have fae magic inside her," Emily frowned. "But we are pretty far away from the chairs and there are so many emotions running high it's kind of murky. Once Gwenn gets a chair, I can move a little closer. Until then, I suppose we should be listenin'."

They pretended to read as they eavesdropped. Gwenn had never been to a salon, her fashionista sister, Mary, or her mother always cut her hair, but she'd seen them in films and it seemed to Gwenn all the films had been right. Intimate conversations flew through the air and into her ears. Confessions of affairs, admissions of sexless marriages, whispers of staggering debt, and even talk of cosmetic work done seemed like everyday chat here, where women came together to lament about their lives, and beautify their bodies.

"Nashville is much more scintillating than Louisiana," Emily whispered as two women compared plastic surgeons.

"Ireland, too," Gwenn nodded in agreement.

"Not Chicago!" Rena proclaimed. "Though in my neighborhood boob jobs would be replaced with the most recent shooting."

"Maybe you two should go to the boutique and get Violet's next recommendations while we wait? I haven't felt any magic from a single person in here and have an inkling that this place may come up dry." Gwenn sighed as the women in the salon continued to one-up one another with wild tales. "I'd like to not spend all feckin' day searching for Daniel's last lover."

"Excuse me miss? Did you say 'feckin'? Are you from Ireland?" A large woman with a fresh perm turned from the counter and stared at Gwenn.

Gwenn blushed. "I am," she said hoping the woman hadn't heard the rest of her sentence.

"You must be the one Robert Daily was shown' around! My friend Sally said he broke off their lunch date to give you a tour of the town. Good lord was she soured by that! He set up a raincheck for later this week. You two aren't an item, are you? If so, Sally will want to know." The woman spoke in a conspiratorial whisper.

"They're not dating," Rena swung her arm around Gwenn possessively.

"Oh! I see! So sorry ladies had to ask. That Robert's been getting so much attention and Sally is a jealous one." The woman's plump face fell.

In Gwenn's opinion, the woman looked, if anything, disheartened to be unable to deliver gossip about an Irish hussy stealing the town's biggest playboy. That Robert gets around . . . Goddess be! I'm such an idiot!

"I'm sorry! We must dash. Cancel my appointment," Gwenn said to the front desk girl and pulled Rena and Emily from their seats.

"What the heck is going on?" Rena asked as Gwenn rushed them out onto the street.

"It's not a woman we should be looking for. It's Robert! He's the last one! How else is he getting all these dates around town? Why didn't I see it sooner?" Gwenn hissed.

"Hold on now," Emily held up her hand. "I'm gonna need a bit more explainin' than that."

"Robert was Daniel's best friend. Even if Violet and Daniel kept their relationship a secret from their tribe and coven surely Daniel would have shared some of Violet's nature and maybe her power with Robert? Casey said Robert had always been envious of Daniel. Now Robert's getting all these dates with women who are out of his league? I'm sorry but you can't tell me it's based on personality either."

A light came on in Rena's eyes, "That's why he was so forceful about getting someone to investigate Daniel's death. He'd never met Violet! He wanted to find out who she was first because he didn't want anyone to discover he took fae power from Violet via Daniel. Or that he was using it to seduce women around town."

"It also explains how Robert knew the fae was a female! I thought that slip was fishy."

Emily looked thoughtful. "I did feel a bit of lust roll off him when we were at the spa and he was lookin' at you, Gwenn. But to be honest I didn't think much of it, I mean the way he looked at you made it clear he thought you were attractive. I will say though, his emotions didn't resonate as fae at all, not like the rest of the women. I would have noticed that."

Robert's leer rose up in Gwen's memory. She shuddered as another piece clicked into place.

"No, you're right Em, his magic didn't feel fae either. But his magic was . . . weird. I recognized it straight off when Robert did a calming spell at the spa. It was so different from mine. Like he'd woven in a new type of magic or tweaked the spell. Then, I remember being surprised by the degree of power Robert had when he used his magic on Tami. It was stronger than I had him pegged for, but something also felt . . . Off. I'm sure it was the fae in him. He must have a ward up so no one in his coven can detect the fae magic. He's probably been filtering out Violet's power from his witch magic this whole time and only using Violet's around humans. But no matter how good the ward, magic always leaves a mark, even if it's the tiniest speck."

"We should go tell Violet. Her boutique is only a few blocks from here," Rena said excitedly.

* * *

A tall redhead clad in a red sheath dress and shiny black high heels stormed out of the boutique door as the trio approached. "Don't bother going in there. You won't get any service anyhow. I waited for near on ten minutes and no one showed face to greet me."

"Uh, thanks," Gwenn said and pushed through the door.

The shop was indeed empty and far more untidy than when they'd been in there the day before. Shirts, skirts, and dresses littered the way to the counter where the shop attendant, Violet, usually stood. Gwenn did a quick sweep of the store, but the strawberry blonde head of Violet was nowhere to be found among the racks of clothes.

"Violet! It's Gwenn!" Gwenn called into the shop as her heart beat faster.

"I wonder if she fainted or fell asleep in the back? We were up pretty late last night. Let's go check," Rena said.

Gwenn nodded but shot a glance at Emily, whose posture had stiffened.

"What is it, Emily?" Gwenn whispered as they followed Rena to the back room.

"Violet. Now that I've met and spent some time with Violet, her emotions are clear as day. She was scared." Emily whispered back and closed her eyes.

Gwenn's stomach fell, but she tried not to panic. At least not until we check everywhere, she thought holding onto a thin thread of hope.

A quick examination of the boutique's back rooms confirmed what Gwenn already knew in her heart. They were alone. Violet had been taken.

"I'm positive it was Robert," Gwenn leaned against the counter and put her head in her hand. "Who else would have a reason to grab Violet from her work? Daniel's dead and no one else in the Nashville coven knows a thing about her, except Robert. He must have stayed at the bar last night and watched us. I bet he saw us run after Violet and question her. He might have even been the one making that rustling sound in the woods."

"I wonder what he plans to do with her?" Emily said, her face lined with worry. "I don't see Robert being able to kill her. He didn't exactly seem the strong sort. But then again, he was real mad at the fae at the meetin'. Talked about takin' care of it on his own . . ."

Gwenn agreed, Robert didn't look like a killer. A thief of magic and swindler of women sure, but not a murderer.

Then again, I don't know him well at all do I?

Gwenn slammed her hand on the shop counter. "Our plan is moot now. We have to tell the Nashville coven we think Robert took Violet. We should spin the story to focus on Robert's use of fae magic, why he took Violet and getting her back. If I were them I'd let Violet walk after hearing what two members of my coven did to her and take responsibility for cleaning up the mess."

"For Violet's sake, let's hope the Nashville Coven sees it your way, babe."

Rogue Fae, A Starseed Universe NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now