Fae Bar

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"Lord have mercy, I am gonna stick out like a sore thumb," Emily whispered as a few men turned to stare.

"Walk between Gwenn and me," Rena said, maneuvering Emily in the middle. "We'll act as your shield while you try to sense out anything odd. Do you think you'd be able to pinpoint the fae we're looking for if you come across it?"

Emily shrugged. "If it's feelin' real mad, scared, or sad. Emotions, especially strong ones, have a distinguishing undercurrent, kind of like a fingerprint that can help. I'm able to point out people I'm familiar with, like my ex-husband, but seein' as I don't know this fae at all let's play it by ear."

"Works for me," Gwenn said looping her arm through Emily's. "If you sense anything suspicious, let me know. I'm not a natural mind reader but if I give it my all I may be able to pick up on something."

Emily attempted a small smile and nodded.

As they walked closer Gwenn grinned as she read the sign above the bar that claimed 'Fae Bar - Brews and Sprites Found Here'. The Nashville coven may not like them, but at least these fae have a sense of humor.

"Who're they?" a burly fae with huge biceps and blue lines tattooed on his face asked Brit when they reached the door. He eyed Emily, the oldest of the group by twenty years with suspicion.

"Hey, Steve! This is Gwenn, Rena, and Emily. They're staying' at the coven house and wanted to check out Fae Bar. There's no fae hangout in their neck of the woods." Brit put a hand on Steve's huge deltoid.

The muscle-bound man softened beneath her touch. "Alright then, but you know how some of the older guys feel about witches. Especially ones involved in the rift," Steve shot Emily another look.

"I'll spread the word that they're not part of the Nashville coven and had nothin' to do with anything," Brit agreed.

Steve waved them inside.

"How likely is it anyone would think I was one of the witches involved in that fight between the fae and the witches?" Emily yelled over the music, her face a shade paler than before.

Brit shrugged. "I think you're a little young but you could have been twenty or so when it happened. Mostly they hold a grudge against witches Augusta's age and you're not that old! But fae are unreasonable sometimes, especially when they're drunk."

"Now she tells us," Rena rolled her eyes as Brit turned her back on them and sashayed to the bar. "Try not to make it obvious you're searching for anything Em, we don't want to give anyone reason to suspect you. Gwenn and I will be as distracting as possible."

Emily let out a loud laugh.

Gwenn cocked her head.

"Well, it's just that you two are already pretty darn distractin' bein' who you are. Especially in here I'd expect," Emily gestured around as they followed Brit to the bar.

She has a point, Gwenn thought looking around at the largely hetero bar. If we have to use our relationship and witchy charms to distract people from Em then we will, she decided though she knew Rena wasn't big on being in the spotlight. Rena will just have to understand, bigger things are at stake here than her ego.

"I swear Robert ran out a second ago. He'd been talkin' to Gillian and left looking' mad as hell. I bet she turned him down and you know how mean she can be," Gwenn heard the bartender tell Brit as they met up with her.

"That's weird, I ain't never seen Robert in here before!" Brit commented.

Robert? But wasn't he on a date? Gwenn thought fast.

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