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"The fae attacked someone here?" Rena asked her voice dripping with skepticism.

Gwenn took in the flowers hanging over the porch and the gilded windows of the spa. She couldn't agree more with Rena's incredulity. The spa was so different from the dark alley.

"The owners weren't happy," Robert said. "They found the victim screaming and covered in mud. Lynaya, a witch in our coven, was the one who heard the commotion and alerted the staff."

"The fae interrupted someone in the middle of a mud wrap? That blows," Rena said putting two and two together in a way Robert hadn't with a shake of her head.

"Lynaya? You mean that tall blonde that doesn't trust us?" Gwenn asked, her mind locking onto different information. First, she was in the shop. Now Robert says she was in the spa during the attack? Lynaya seems to be everywhere . . .

Robert grinned. "She's a feisty one that girl and doesn't take well to outsiders. I'll talk to her later and tell her y'all are alright. She's supposed to be at a barbecue I'm taking my date to. Wouldn't be surprised if she was a little jealous of y'all. Lynaya can get real jealous of other attractive women." Robert looked at Gwenn.

"Hmm," Gwenn hummed, diverting her gaze and stashing away the information for later.

"How are we going to get in there anyhow?" Emily asked. "We don't look like high-end clientele right now."

She was right. Gwenn, in short shorts and a tank top, looked like she belonged at a beach, not a fancy spa. And Rena wasn't any better in ripped up jeans, and crop top exposing her muscular six-pack. Emily could almost pass if her loose trousers and blouse hadn't been so wrinkled and worn.

"That's easy! My friend's girl works here. I called her when y'all were in the alley. Said she'd let us in the employee entrance round back and show us around. She doesn't know I'm a wizard though. I told her I was hoping to impress a girl with my insider access. She bought it, but maybe I could wrap my arm around one of y'all so she doesn't question us?" Robert leered at Gwenn again and Rena bristled.

Gwenn sighed. "Just to be clear, you know Rena and I are together right? I don't want to disrespect her," she said hoping to put an end to his obnoxious leering.

"You can walk close to Gwenn for appearance's sake, but keep your hands off," Rena instructed. Her tone left no room for bargaining.

"Alright. Alright. I won't lay a finger on her," Robert said, hands held high.

He led the way around back with Gwenn by his side.

A petite blonde resembling at least half the women Gwenn spotted outside the boutique they'd visited was waiting at the back door.

"Hey, Rob! These here your friends?"

"Yup. This here's Gwenn," Robert smiled wide, revealing a mouth full of crooked teeth. "And these are her friends, Rena and Emily. Hope you don't mind them taggin' along."

"It's so nice to meet y'all! Especially you Gwenn. My name's Tami. Robert and I have been friends since grade school. He's a real special one," Tami said with a wink.

Gwenn nodded politely, playing along. Personality wise Robert repulsed her and physically he wasn't her cup of tea. Though, now that she was standing closer to him, she could detect an aura of manliness about him she'd missed before. It was slight, like the magic Gwenn sensed in Robert as if both hid behind a wall, but it was still there. Perhaps if a woman was super perceptive and open, she'd catch a whiff.

Rogue Fae, A Starseed Universe NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now