Pronouns + "être" + negatives (1)

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The pronouns in French are:
Je- I
Tu- You
Il- He (eel)
Elle- she (el)
On- one (on) *try to give the n a silent sound; use a YouTube video to make sure*
Nous- We (noo)
Vous- you
Ils- (eel; eelz if a vowel follows)- they (masculine group/ mixed group)
Elles- (el; elz if a vowel follows)- they (feminine group)

Être- To be. An irregular verb.

Je suis- I am (Je swee)
Tu es (to ay)- you are
Il/ elle/ on est (eel/ el/ on ay)- he/ she/ one is
Nous sommes- we are (noo som)
Vous êtes (you are) (vooz ett)
Ils/ Elles sont (they are) (eelz/ elz son *silent n*

Another useful form of être is c'est meaning "it is"
Be careful, however, as sometimes it is can take the il or elle form


To make a verb negative, add 'ne' before the verb and 'pas' after.


Je suis- I am; je ne suis pas- I am not
J'ai- I have; je n'ai pas- I do not have

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