Opposites attract || Luke Hemmings

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9. (Luke's POV.)

As soon as I left the room, the first thing I heard was a cry. It wasn’t mine, because I was controlling myself to act though and stay as calm as possible. I thought about turning around to comfort Katherine , but, actually, I didn’t know if I wanted to right now.

Pregnant. She could be pregnant, and, given she wasn’t a girl to sleep with a lot of guys, if she was, it was with my kid. My fucking kid. While I’m 17 years old and punch people for pleasure. And even though I had been trying to act nice around her and continue to have my life without her judging me, or knowing about it, adding a baby into that element would change everything. I knew I’d have to stay away from my friends, and probably quit smoking, and take off my piercings so the baby wouldn’t hurt itself with them, and be a dad. I was not prepared for that.

Finally, I managed to compose myself a bit again so I could try to enter the car and drive to a pharmacy. Practically running away from the house, I got my keys and jumped at my motorcycle, without even bothering to put protection. Fuck protection. I’d already forgot using it once, and look where that got me. Maybe if I died Katherine would forget about her period and expel the baby with her mind. With that thought in mind, I started to drive as fast as I could, not stopping on any red signs and only lowing the speed when it was time to park at the pharmacy.

I don’t think I’ve ever been more ashamed in my life. All the time I went there to buy condoms, and most of the time I bragged about it, but when I entered the drugstore this time, I had my head down and my hands on my pockets. The old lady that didn’t seem to have a day off looked at me, with a smile, and asked if I wanted another pack of condoms. I wish.

"I need a, um-" I said, biting my lip and trying not to face that ladies eyes. She would be the first of many to judge me if Katherine really was pregnant. "I need a pregnancy test."

The old lady gasped, finally making the look at her eyes behind the glasses. The disappointment on her face made me bite my lips again, but this time, I continued watching as she went in and grabbed what I needed. She came back with five boxes, and I looked at her in confusion. Was I supposed to pick one? Because I didn’t know a thing or two about pregnancy tests.

She tried to smile at me, but that only became a groan. “I see those condoms I’ve been selling you aren’t making much effect” she said, giggling without much humor, “Look, kid, if I were you, I’d take all five of them. Make the first three, and if one of them comes negative, tell her to have the other two.”

I nodded, getting my wallet and grabbing a 20 dollars bill. She smiled at me, most in pity than in anything else, and I finally turned to get out of the place even more embarrassed than before. I still didn’t believe that was happening. There hadn’t been one time that I forgot wearing a condom, even if I was so wasted that I didn’t remember the girl’s name on the day after. And still, in the moment Katherine kissed me back, I got so desperate for her that I forgot the most important thing in the whole fucking world.

Again, I hopped on the motorcycle and started driving, this time at a much more recommendable speed. I was so lost in thoughts that I only realized I was near the beach when I smelled the sea and the sand, cursing for not going back home to resolve all of this. But I needed to think, and so I continued to drive until the rocks near the sand, rolling the tip of my pants so I wouldn’t get them wet.

I wondered if my dad would disinherit me or stop putting money into my account. If he did do it, I’d have to start working at the first place that’d accept me. And I probably wouldn’t go to college and be stuck forever at a mediocre job, not having time for my kid or for Katherine . Then I wondered if her family would kick her out of the house, and, after everything my parents told me about her mom, they probably would. Which meant that she’d have to stay at my place, and then we’d have to find another flat with three bedrooms, because it was more than certain that she wouldn’t want to share the bed with me in my flat. I was not ready for this. Actually, I didn’t know how I was so stupid to forget wearing a condom.

Opposites attract || Luke HemmingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora