Forgotten Memories

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 What is this??? The past? The flashback? And now memories? Next thing you know it's going to be freakin déjà vu! Nah I'm just kidding. Btw I'm like so so so SO sorry for not being able to post for like what a month or longer. I've just been caught up with school and all that shkizazle. Anywhooooo here's the story!!!


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Today we had some meeting with Allura and the team, and lets just say.... she has finally taken her chill pill, she's now more calmer around me, kind of like the rest of the relationships with the paladins. I also got a chance to learn everyone's names and personalities. Anyways, back to the meeting. " Ok since (Y/N) has came here to tell us her secret about unleashing the full power of Voltron, can you go ahead and tell us?" She said. "Umm, ok." I said. " Since my father left me something that important on not letting Zarkon have it, I needed to find where it was and the good news is I found it and I can control it, and the bad news is-" " Wait, what do you mean you have found it and you can control it" asked and interrupted Shiro, our leader. "First of all rude to interrupt, and second my orange lion." "WHAT THE QUIZNAK!!! YOU HAVE AN ORANGE LION AND THAT WAS YOUR SECRET TO UNLEASHING THE FULL POWER OF VOLTRON?!?!?!" Shouted Hunk. "Yes, that's why I came in the first place, and finally the bad news is that Orange won't work anymore after I sort-of crashed-landed here." I said "Well Pidge and hunk can see what's up with your lion I suggest we test out your combat skills even though you proved us that your a good fighter since the first day we saw you." Said Allura. And BLAM! We had a nice conversation for once. "Yeah, I can see that my shin AND muscles STILL hurt since that day." Roasted Keith. "Shuddap Keith, you need to positive for once, FOR JAUNCE!" I said with my finger showing the number one at his face. "Whatever." He answered. We kept walking down the long long halls, *kind of reminds me of the garrison for a bit-* I thought and then, MIND BLOWN! I WAS SHOOK! " Hey umm Allura?" I said quietly as Allura, Lance, and Keith stopped in their tracks and looked at me. "What is it?" She asked with a worried face. "I need to talk to Lance privately right now, can I do the training later?" I asked still with a down face. "Sure thing (Y/N)!" She answered as she and Keith walked away, he still gave me that death glare. Boy, was he rude! (DONT WORRY MY READER-CHANS HE'S FINE HE WILL UNDERSTAND SOON AND BECOME NICE, DONT KILL MEEE!!!!!😭😭😭

"Is there something wrong (Y/N)?" Asked Lance with a concerned expression. I inhaled and exhaled then I looked up at him with an angry/determined face on and said or more like yelled," WAS IT YOU THIS WHOLE TIME YOU, PIDGE, AND HUNK WHERE WITH ME AT THE GARRISON AND KEITH WAS THERE TOO, ALL FOUR OF US WHERE IN THE SAME TEAM!!! AND WHO WAS THE ONE TO START THE FIGHTS WITH KEITH IN THE HALLWAY AND CAFETERIA!!! AND AFTER THAT WHO DRAGGED YOU OUT OF THAT MESS?!?!? HUH?! ME, PIDGE, AND HUNK!!! SO WHY DIDN'T YOU QUIZNAKING REMEMBER?!?!?!" "Geez, calm down (Y/N) I didn't know, I think I forgot as much as you did." He replied calmly. With happy tears strolling down my eyes I giggled and quietly said,"Remember that time when you first went to fighter class piloting and you those simulators? After that I always came out laughing cause Hunk always threw up from your so called successful flights?" Lance laughed at the joke "And the other time how (O/E/N) {SHUT UP I DECIDED TO GO FANCY AND DO PRETTY PARENTHESES AND THE O/E/N IS OLD ENEMY'S NAME} stole the commander's clothes and put it instead of your original uniform and you were to sleepy to think and you wore it for the rest of the day. The commander thought you were a new leader and fell in love with you and he asked on a date at the end. Then he realized it was you and you got in so much trouble. remember?" Laughed Lance. "Yeah." I giggled while wiping my tears. "But I still wonder how we forgot as well as Pidge, Hunk, and you can as well say Keith." I wondered. "Eh it ok, what matters is that we finally remembered." said Lance putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeaaaah, um...... Isn't Allura waiting for us in the combat room?" I asked lightly pushing Lance away. 'look I didn't mean to hurt his feelings!!' I said in my head. "Yeah I guess so." said Lance disappointingly. "But hey, thanks for understanding and remembering." I said as I pulled him in a passionate hug. It was long and comforting it was enough to soothe me down and make me calmer than before. The hug was.... how do you say it? 


We parted and walked to the training hall in silence not even bothering to say another word, but the smile was replacing the words. On both, me and him....


GUYS IM STILL LIKE SO SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING!!!!!! Btw how the hell do u even right on computers?!?!?!?! They r just terrible and horrible!!!UGH!!!! It took me like a whole week just to upload this chapter. First of all, i try to squeeze in the story writing with homework on the computer and yes i did upload while pretending to do my homework. Second of all, my mom and problemos with school. And third of all..... THIS DUMB FRICKIN COMPUTADORA!!!! Sry guys got carried away there XD  >>>> But anyways thanks for reading, comment down below, aaand                                                               AUTHOR-CHAN OUT!!!!!

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