An awesomely scary A/N

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Helllooooo guys!!!!! And not only it is Friday the 13th and i watched Happy Death day, but also the best moments of our lives!!!!! TODAY SEASON CUATRO CAME OUT AND I SAW IT!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SWEAR PPL NEED TO STOP JUDGING KEITH. And yes I now officially confirm that Keith is a nice person or should I say galra ;) Anyhoo he is a smol bean that looks friggin sexy in the bladers outfit. And the dos episode.... I WAS DEAD THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE EPISODE AT THE PART WHERE PIDGE WENT INTO THAT ahem.....planet I wont spoil cause some of u probs didnt watch it. WELL MATT WAS THE TOTAL UPGRADE I WAS LIKE, HALP ME, IM LITERALLY FALLING OUT OF MA CHAIR AND OUT LE WINDOW. Well it was noice tallking to u guys and imma just be here reading matt x readers cause, why not? IM SO SRY IM LIKE CRINGY THESE DAYS BUT IDFC IF PPL JUDGE ME. U MAYBE CRINGY TOO BUT JUST DONT WANT TO ADMIT IT!!! QUIZNAK!!!!!! sry bye love ya guys!!!!

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