[5]: Family and moustaches

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I just stared at the old man, probably having the dumbest look on my face, what did he mean?

"That will be eight gallens please."

He smiled opening his palm for me to put the money in and stretching out the other hand that contained the wand's box, he obviously didn't want to talk about it.

"Right sorry sir."

I shook my red curls handing him eight gallens before grabing the wand box.

But his withered hand held on tight to the box as I tried to pray it out of his hands.

"You will do great things Miss Potter, terrible but great."

And with that said he let go of the box and retracted back to the shelves of wands, confusion was evident on my face, he obviously did not want to talk.

"Oh well then. "

I shrugged shoving the wand box into the bag i was just about to leave when something shiny caught my attention.

It was a wand holster, it had silver snakes carved into the sides with unblinking bloody red eyes and in the centre was a golden carved lion with emrald eyes. It was sleek and beautiful.

It's official I'm in love, practical and beautiful.

Slowly I lifted the holster up and fitted it on my forearm before slowly putting my wand in place.

With a quick flick of my wrist the wand shot right into my palm and i held it ready for use.

I looked around.

The old man is still in the many shelves and I doubt he would come to my calls.

I quickly pulled out twenty gallens, three extra for my abrupt purchase, and put it on the counter before walking out of the store holster on my arm, hidden by my cloak.

My last stop, I would go see the magical animals. It had always been a treat if I went to the shop, maybe I would buy a companion before I leave.

I walked into the shop, smelling the many different animals that left a strong impressionable scent in the air. I walked through the rows of animals before settling in the beginning of a long row of owls.

I walked slowly, stopping and staring at each one. I needed to let it choose me, I wanted a partner. Slowly I came to the end of the row where a large black owl sat on a perch, his pure white eyes stared at me or rather, past me. He was blind. I stared at his name that they had written on the piece of wood before his cage, so his name was feather. Cute. It didn't suit him tho. Without hesitation I stuck my hand by the cage for him, curiously he leaned forward, rubbing his beak on my fingers. Before long he bit down hard on my finger, I yelped and pulled my finger out, staring at him in shock as the bird seemed to be laughing at me.

I glared at it before walking off, only to be stopped by the same owls loud cries. Without thinking I backtracked to his cage, and he became silent again. I did this thrice, the results still the same. My only conclusion, he chose me. I grinned as I walked up to the teller, his cage in hand.

The rest of the day flew by in a blur, soon enough, I was back at Potter Manor.

Bags under my arms and warm butterbeer in my tummy, a large black owl sitting happily on my shoulder, eyeing the bag of treats in my bags without even having slight, he was a clever owl, that much is certain.


With a pop my personal house elve and practically adopted mother appeared next to me.

"Oh dear Mixy will help Lady Potter."

"Mixy I told you to not call me Lady Potter, call me Victoria or Tori, whatever you'd like."

I hated nicknames, but I would make an exception for Mixy, she had been the one there for me all these years. When my mother was too busy with the others, Mixy took care of me, she was there for my first word, steps and much more. I seemed to just fade from the Potter family, a normal child in a family of children destined for greatness. I was never important.

"Of course Miss Victoria. "

The little elf smiled at me in happiness, grabbing my bags gently from my hands and popping off to set them in my room.

"Thank you Mixy!"

I yelled after her before sitting down at the dining room table, Feather slightly clawing into my shoulder, he wanted to fly. The breed of owl that Feather was, was genetically made with magic, as it was the only way to save him, he was on his deathbed when they found him. He had all the qualities of a normal owl, with the intelligence of a Human, which made him a pain in the ass at times.

"Go on boy, come back tonight, you don't want to miss dinner, be sure to come through the right window." I smiled at him as he nipped my ear in response. Asshole. Silently I sat, nothing else I could do for now, but stare at the clock, counting down the seconds.





"We're home!" I heard a happy voice tell from the front door and in bounced my mom, looking much happier than before, with my brothers trailing behind, Harry held my sleeping sister tightly in his arms, she was the heiress after all, father thought it would be good to give her an important role in the family.

"Oh Victoria, it's so good to see you. "

"Yes mom? "

I asked in hopes that she may actually talk to me about Durmstrang or take intrest in me for once.

"Take  your sister to her room please, she is sleeping, Harry is late to a charms lesson and Charles, well, he is getting some flying lessons from dad today. "

She gestured to bitchyness in a human body a.k.a my sister Rose.

It made sense that Harry would be late to a lesson, he had so many, he had no free time to do what he wants. Charles on the other hand, well he and dad were the closest of us all. Dad was never around, till the age of seven I didn't know I had one. He was constantly at the office, in meetings or with Charles and Rosie. Not even Harry got to see him.

I gently took Rose into my arms, Harry shooting me an apologetic look as he did, and I asending the stairs bumping her head once.

New record!

I smirked as I placed her in her bed and pulled the blanket over her face, only the top layer, didn't want the poor thing to suffocate or get to cold, I'll get the blame for it later of course.

I was just out the door when I heard her moaning and whimpering.

With a annoyed grunt I turned around to only see her looking like she was having a dreadful dream.




Maybe I should...

I hit my head against my palm and groaned loudly before sitting next to her and pulling the blankets off her head and tucking her in properly. I may hate her but she was still my sister.

"Shhhhhh Roseie sleep."

I patted her head and in two seconds she was fast asleep again, this time a small smile on her face. She would grow to be beautiful, the most beautiful Potter female in decades, that was garenteed.

So with a mischievous grin I took a sharpie and drew a moustache and glasses on her face, a little childish prank never hurt anyone.

Best. Day. Of. My. Life.

And with that, I left her room, turning the light off as I did.

A/N: thank you for reading my story, please like and comment, critism is welcome :)

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