Part 3

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Warnings : cursing

Mumbled voices you couldn't make out, almost whispers. You couldn't open your eyes or move. Everything was getting brighter, too bright, voices becoming louder, pain coursing through your veins as the world went dark again.

Your eyes fluttered open trying to focus, nothing but a blur. After a few moments you started to see the room around you, clean, white, and the straps holding your body down with a thin white blanket over your body. You tried to get free of the straps only to have a sharp pain rush all throughout your shoulder. Why can't you move your arm? You tried your left arm to find it operational, so why not your right? What was going on? You could see the outline of your right arm under the blanket, it looked almost as it was a sick blue or gray. Tears started to roll down your cheeks as fear started to overcome you. A young Awoken women came in the room and caught the fear in your eyes.

Her voice was soft and pure when she spoke "Miss! There's no need to be upset! What is wrong?" She only took a couple of steps towards you, bet yet far enough to seem concerned as to what you might do.

Anger swept over your face as you spoke "Where the hell am I? And who the fuck are you?" She didn't respond, she was the one to now have fear over her face. She turned on her heel and walked out and before she shut the door she mouthed 'I'm sorry'

Red started thrashing in her restraints "Get me out of here!" She yelled "Fuck you! Pieces of shit-" suddenly her right arm moved when she attempted to raise it, except it broke the restraint holding it down. Her eyes widen as her mouth was left hanging open at what she saw. What was once the arm of a human was now that of a Exo's. She tried to speak but it was as if she didn't know how to. A sob escaped her lips as she tried to piece everything that had happened together. Loud footsteps approaching snapped her back into reality as Red struggled to get the rest of the restraints undone. There was a bag at the other end of the room with her name written across it, her Maverick Mk. 32 was poking out of the bag slightly. Red undid the last restraint and ran across the room, picked the gun up, and pointed it towards the door.

A male Exo entered the room with the same Awoken women who had just came in. Their eyes both wide in fear as they saw you standing with the gun. The man carried a needle with a light pink serum inside of it and moved it behind his back out of sight as if you hadn't seen it already. "What the hell is going on? What the hell did you do to me!" Tears flooded down your face once again as you pointed the gun back and fourth at each of them, you weren't a good shot with your left arm, and you sure as hell weren't about to take them both down with just one arm. The Exo stepped forward and held the hand without the needle up. "You move any closer and I'll blow your fucking head off!"

He spoke softly "There are no bullets in there, we removed them earlier. Let us help you, please." Red was still staring them down with the gun still pointed at him. What if he's lying about the bullets? You can't take the chance.

"Where am I? What happened?" They both looked at each other a moment and nodded before speaking.

"You had a contract on you, it went wrong as you can tell. Cayde-6 brought you here, he said a women attempted to shoot you but your struggling caused her to miss and hit an explosive pipe which caused...-" he gestured to your new arm. "We're only here to help, Miss. Please just lie back down-"

Red cut him off with a growl "No! I'm walking out that door and I'm leaving!" They both cleared a path as you grabbed the bag and started to walk. The moment you walked out into the hall you saw Cayde all the way down at the other end, a wave of relief swept over you. You dropped the gun to your side and called to him. "Cay-" you were cut off as a scream of agony rippled throughout you, the man plunged the needle in your back near you shoulder blade and kicked the gun from your hand. Cayde turned around to see you collapse to the floor and ran towards you only to have the two of them drag you back into the room and throw you on the bed. You screamed in agony as the serum ran throw your veins. Everything around you began to slow down, the sounds fading away. Your body slumped to the bed losing the fight in you as they strapped you back down, Cayde entered the room and was beside you. You turned your head and could see the light in the back of his throat lighting up but you couldn't hear him, he placed his gloved hand over yours and rubbed it with his thumb. You were consumed back into the darkness.

~unknown amount of time~

By the time you regained consciousness the straps are gone and you're now in the arms of Cayde, the room is dull, filled with guns and all sorts of things, you were in Cayde's room within his ship, he always called it his 'thinking room'. As he held you in his arms as he drew small circles in the palm of the Exo hand.

"Can I ask you something?" Red asked

"Well good morning to you too, Sunshine." Red debating on turning around to face him when she asked but stayed cradled in his arms. "Ask away, I'm practically an open book at this point." He took your hand is his

"I-It's a weird question really, but..-" she couldn't find the words to make what she was asking actually sound sane. "I always wonder why you never take your gloves off. Or, I don't know.. I've just never seen you without your gear. I take that back that came out weirder than I thought." Cayde laughed as he saw how red her face was getting.

He shifted uncomfortably under her. "Well, I wasn't always this good looking ya know. I was a human a long time ago, back in my prime days where I was always out seeking a new adventure and kicking ass. W-well I still do that now obviously but it's just..not exactly the same. I don't want to go full into detail with this but yes, I used to be human and things just took a wrong turn and here I am now. I don't exactly like to be reminded of what I've become so I just hide it from myself I guess." He looked off into the distance as he finished.

"I-I'm sorry, Cayde, I didn't know." She paused thinking what to say next. "You can't just hate what you've become forever you know. Sooner or later you have to accept it for the greater good even if it seems terrible. As much as you hate yourself for being what you are now, there are so many other people who love and care for you Exo or Human. And there are people out there who might not like who they are and you have to show them that they were made that way to do something great." She smiled to herself "Hell, how do you think I got here. I practically grew up in a tiny shed with 8 people, no one thought I could ever make it to where I am now but there was always one person who cared for me and always told me to go for it no matter what everyone else thought I could or couldn't do." She turned in his lap and looked straight at him. "I love you, Cayde."

Cayde smiled as they both rested their foreheads against one another. Red reached down with her Exo hand and slid his glove off and intertwined their hands. "I love you too, Sunshine."

Failsafe appeared "The Cayde-6 unit has a message from, Commander Zavala."

Red mimicked her "tHe cAyDE-6 UnIt" they both laughed as he playfully punched her human arm.

"Tell him it can wait. I've got some things I need to attend to." With that he began to kiss Red. The kisses got deeper and deeper, it  lasted about 20 minutes before Cayde pulled away. "Get some sleep kid. You're bound to have a long day at the tower tomorrow." He got up and gave her one last kiss before he strolled away. Red laid there looking at the ceiling smiling. Cayde was different from the rest, he was ten times better than them, and she was sure as hell going to make sure he never got away. Her thoughts lingered to the accident that had happened. If the Awoken man or woman hit an explosive pipe then why wasn't it showing on the rest of her body? There were no scratches or bruises anywhere, she wasn't a Guardian so there was no ghost to 'fix' her. She tried to trace everything back, she couldn't fall asleep as the thought kept her awake.

A/N so I've decided to replay destiny 1 and I would've had this posted sooner but I can't stop playing it. Also I don't know if I want to touch note on Cayde with his past family, who knows I might but oh well. Also if part 4 takes awhile it's because I'm playing destiny lolll.

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