Part 5

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  Warnings : none
A/N when I mentions "factions" I don't mean like dead orbit and the other two, I'm just implying hunters, warlocks, and titans as just faction groups.

The voice was faint "Red? Red! Hey, wake up!" Whoever was talking was now forcefully shaking your body, your eyes remained glued shut. As you lay there motionless you started to take in your surroundings. Faint lights going in and out, a blurry hand being waved above your head, two figures, 3 balls floating around.

You raised you hand to shield your eyes from the light. "Red? What the hell is red?" The sound of your own voice sounded distorted and awfully strange. You moved your hand to see the two figures turn their head to one another then back to you.

"Do you remember your name?" A women asked.

You paused for a moment trying to think of it. You had no recollection of anything, not even your name. "....No....I don't"..." a frown fell upon your face, you could start to see the details in the figures, one Exo, one Awoken. The Exo placed his hand on top of yours but you slowly moved it out of his grasp, he gave a worried expression.

The women spoke up again. "I'm, Ganee. You tried to stop the bomb for going off but it exploded and...killed you, but don't worry you're fine now!"

Your face went pale. Dead? How am I dead and here? "I-I'm dead? Th-that doesn't make sense! What's going on?"

The Exo spoke up this time. "Hey, hey, easy now! Everything is okay, you're fine! Consider yourself a Guardian,-" he pointed over to the little floating thing, "-that's your ghost, he can heal you and even bring you back from the ground." He stood up and looked down at you. "Also your name's Red. Meet me outside when you're ready, Guardian."

Ganee rolled her eyes and looked at you again. There was something wicked in her eyes when she gave you a mischievous smirk. "That there-" she pointed at Cayde "is my man, don't get any crazy ideas alright." You nodded your head as she helped you up from the ground.

Your brows knitted in confusion "How does something like that work?" Head tilted as you scanned her face.

She snorted and looked at you. "Oh, that? Well technically it goes against protocols and we're not allowed to-" her face harden "-so you can't mention it to anyone, not even Cayde, or they'll have my head and you're going down with me. Got it?"

Red was shocked to see how fast her expression had changed, she was a little scared too. "U-uh yeah, yeah, I won't say anything I promise."

Ganne smiled "Good! Cayde is with the Vanguard so you'll have to follow up with him for your patrols but I can send you on some missions if you'd like?"

Red could sense something off with the whole situation but tried her best to ignore it. "The Vanguard seem really important. Why only Patrols?"

Ganne looked off to the side for a moment before answering again. "Well...They do actually do missions and patrols but they decided I would be the best choice to help you along until you're ready." She gave a half hearted smile

"Shouldn't I do training first? Why throw me into a mission already?" Ganne was getting angry, Red could see it. Ganne shook her head and walked off.

Red walked towards the Exo leaning against the rocks outside of the ruins, he turned to see you and, if he face plates somewhat could, gave a smile your way. 'Weird' you thought.

He opened his mouth as to say something but closed it immediately, he was pondering what to say, she didn't remember him, or what they had. "I'm Cayde-6, call me Cayde. I'm with the Vanguard as I'm sure Ganne told you. Commander Zavala has ordered me to take you back to the tower and give you the faction test, p.s hunters are the best but hey that's all up to you. I'm a hunter, Ganee's a hunter-" he gave a open mouth smile with enthusiasm "-Maybe you?"

Red gave a small laugh and could exactly see why Ganne loved him to much. There was almost a pain in her heart. I am jealous? No. You can't go against protocol or say anything. "I'll keep that in mind, Cayde."

- time skip -

The flight to the tower was almost uneasy. Cayde kept looking at you from the corner of his optic, Ganne on the other hand was desperately trying to talk to Cayde who was only giving her short answers to end the topic each time, she was now also getting a little too friendly. Cayde finally got up to walk to the front of his Jumpship to see the Tower coming in to view "Get ready, we're approaching" he said

You stayed silent the whole way to the Tower, eyes staring at your hands in your lap. Ganne gave you a hard stare, you didn't dare you meet eyes.

As you entered the hanger Cayde pulled you to the side, Ganne walked off. "Ikora wants you to rest up before we take you down and have you take the faction test, I'll show you to your room. Any questions?"

He face was blank, nothing to read. "What if I can't decide on a faction? How many are there?"

"There are only 3 factions Guardians like yourself choose from, Hunter, like my beautiful self, Warlock, they have weird magic, and finally the Titan, they all have big egos if I say so myself." He looked off towards the stairs. "If you can't decide on a faction, or the test doesn't exactly put you in one faction you can either try again in a week or choose between them yourself."

"O-okay, I think I understand. Where is my room?"

Cayde turned back to look at you and gave a smile. "Right this way."

- time skip -

You sat in the room on the couch just staring, staring at everything. There was no noise, no breeze, just the sun shinning in time to time. You looked at the clock on the wall, 11:00pm You walked around the small apartment to find your bedroom and a shower, you grabbed clothes from inside a drawer and proceeded to strip yourself of the armor. There was mirror hanging on the wall the caught your eye before you stepped in. You took a hard look at yourself, freckles scattered, or was that dried blood and dirt? A scar going across your right eye. You dropped your head and got into the shower.

After you dried off you put on the clothes you had laid out and got into the bed. Your ghost flew out of you. "Sorry if I startled you but it came to my attention that we never formally met. I'm a ghost. Actually now I'm your ghost. As Cayde told you I will be able to help with a lot of things minus fighting. You've had a long day you should get some sleep." He disappeared before you could say anything.

The thoughts starting floating around your head keeping you up. You had to fall asleep sooner or later right? Did you even need sleep? Eventually you drifted off thinking about the faction choice you would have to make and what the test would even be like. Today is too much. Everything is happening so fast.

A/N I'm back from the dead too. I've had a bunch of ideas in my head the past month and it's hard to stick to one so sorry for the delay!

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