Chapter 1

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The Woods

It was spring. In Germany, there spring was beautiful. It had a bountiful amount of gorgeous flowers. How the forest were during that season shows the true definition of spring: the beauty of Mother Nature. So, that's why Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, and Prussia decided to go to the German woods. Prussia and Hungary were recently married. Hungary always liked the seasons in Germany, so she thought that this would be a lovely idea.

So far, the five of them were a miles away from the camp site, and already someone was complaining.

"Germany how long do we have to walk, I'm getting-a-tired!" Complained Italy.

Italy is the cutest looking Italian you'll ever see in your life. He's a bit difficult to handle but he shows love to everyone. He's great friends to everyone in this trip. His closest friend was his muscular friend Germany. Tall, blonde hair, with sky blue eyes. For a handsome guy, his personality was a bit different. You would of imagine that this man would of be around the ladies easily, but no. He's a young man that worries his own place too much and takes care of Italy.

Germany heard Italy and knew he had to deal with Italy's pathetic cries. "Italy zhat's not how a soldier deals vith being tired! Und ve are only a mile away from our campsite." Yelled Germany.

Italy sighs. "Fine, I'll just try to see if I can see any beautiful flowers that I'll recognize." Said Italy.

Luckily for Italy, his short attention span made him quickly forget what happened. "Yo, Brohas!" Said Prussia. Prussia was Germany's older brother. He was a bigger then Prussia. He was annoying and can be dumb a times. He was considered to be albino for his reddish-violet eyes and his light blonde hair. "Zhat's not the way you treat your lover, if you want to get laid you want to learn from zhe awesome master."

While Prussia said that he laughed at his own joke. (What a loser). "Ey, narrator no one paid you be zhe comedian!" Screamed Prussia.

After that happen, everyone stared at Prussia. Just like everyone does when they see a drunk person or a crackhead being hallucinated. "Vhat" asked Prussia.

Germany stares his brother with a serious face. "You know zhat, Italy isn't my lover and I'm not really into ozher men." Calmly said Germany.

Hungary and Japan was there quietly and listening to the Germanic brothers talking.

"If you say zhat you're straight, zhen why do my awesome ears hear you always questioning about your sexuality? Hm?" asked Prussia.

Germany gasped and barks at him.

"Agh, vhat!?, I never said zhat!" Yelled Germany.

Prussia cracked up.

"Haha, I know I vas only joking." Laughed Prussia. " you should see zhe look in your face!".

Hungary was giggling. She was trying her best to not let anyone to notice her. Hungary was very lady-like at times. Despite working as a maid. She proved that women could kick butt since 895 A.D.

Germany ignored everything he heard.

While Prussia and Hungary were lovey-dovey to each other and Italy was trying to catch to butterflies, (Luckily he didn't even pay attention to the conversation that the Germanic brothers had.) Japan decided to catch up with Germany and try to talk with Germany. Japan was short and very quiet. He is very well-mannered and polite.

"I really thank you for taking me to the trip." Said Japan. "You're velcome Japan!" Smiled Germany. "How rong will we be staying here?" Asked Japan. "Only a few days." Said Germany.

After Germany said that, Italy came by and asked Germany a question.

"Germany, Germany!" Cried Italy.

Germany didn't turn around.

"Vhat Italy?" Sighed Germany.

"I was wondering." When Italy said that he looked up into the sky as the sun sets for nighttime. "Is it true that werewolves are real?" Questioned Italy.

As soon he said that, everyone froze and stared at him. "Where did you hear that?" Asked Hungary. Italy looked confused, and he then he remembered where could he possibly heard it from.

In America, their Halloween movies show these big scary things that kills everyone and eats them." Said Italy. "I just want to know if it's true?"

Germany let out another sigh and said "Werewolves are mythical creatures that supposedly were used to scare people, so zhere's no vay zhat zhey are real" said Germany.

Prussia interrupts the discussion.

"You vhat to know vhy zhey don't exist?" Asked Prussia. "Because zhey are afraid of my awesomeness zhat's vhy!" Exclaimed Prussia. Germany looks at Prussia with disgrace and he tries to ignore him right away.

"Prussia!" Yelled Hungary. "You should know better than to not act all selfish, and you should be a little more nicer than you are right now!"

Prussia in a shocking face was embarrassed to what Hungary said. "You're right, I'm sorry" muttered Prussia. Hungary realized and she turns towards him. "No, you shouldn't. I just notice that the real reason why I'm still with you is......."

"My five meter?" Said Prussia.

Hungary laughed at his five meter joke. She knew that it wasn't true, but ever since they were little Prussia tried to make sure that everyone to think he was the manliest and had the strongest military out there. "If you say so Gilbert" giggled Hungary. When she blushed, Prussia was elated to see her girly side when she's not being a badass at war.

"Here ve are!" Shouted Germany

Everyone stopped what they were doing. "Are we here?!" Asked the rest. "Ja!" Shouted Germany.

He stood there like a proud soldier would. When he looks at the scenery, he remembers how Fatherland can be heaven for most people. He's proud for his own hard work that he did in his life time.

"Now, ve must set up!" Said Germany with a cheerful tone.

When the drop everything, Italy saw an lake and he took his shirt off and he ran to the lake.

That was the only time when Germany never yelled at him. He swam across the lake.

The others were setting up the tents and such. Germany and Prussia were the first to finished. There were three tents. One for Hungary and Prussia, one for Japan and the last was for Germany and Italy. Germany knew that Italy would be too scared to sleep on his own, so he got prepared.

Japan was preparing the food, Hungary joined with Italy. So, Prussia decided to talk with his bruder.

"Vhat up little bruder?" Asked Prussia. "So I see you set up a tent for you and your Italy! How cute!"

Prussia patted him in the back. Germany just stood there. Prussia grabbed beers and he gave one to his little brother. Prussia sat on a log.

"Come on! Sit next to me" he said. So Germany did.

"Does zhis relates to my 'relationship' with Italy? Wondered Germany.

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