Chapter 16

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Visiting Someone

The next morning, Italy decides to pay a visit to Japan. Japan has a colossal library in his home. He was hoping that the library wasn't mostly Japanese history and that Japan could help him understand Germany's situation.

He tells Germany that he wanted to spend more time with Japan since he's a shy person and he might help him get hook up with a couple of girls. Germany didn't respond much and he let him go. Germany wanted some alone time.

Italy walks up to Japan's home. He knocks. From where he lived, I was a long walk to his home.

When the door opens, it turns out to be Greece. Greece looked a bit tired. He was holding a cat like always. His eyes were droopy and he was wearing an oversized sleepwear. With his hair looking very wild, he looked as if he just woke up.

Italy was surprised to see him at Japan's home. Japan did get along with Greece but Italy never thought in a million years that Japan would allow someone to sleep in his home.

"Well hello Greece, do you know where's Japan? I want to speak to him." Italy asked.

Greece looked at Italy with a smile. He pets the cat's soft fur. The cat was purring quietly.

"Oh Honda, he's alsee....." He said.

Before Greece could finish his sentence, Japan interrupts him.

"Morning!......Itary!" He interrupted.

Italy looked confused. Despite what just happened, he forgets it for a minute. Japan was also wearing his sleepwear. It was odd since it was close to begin ten o'clock in the morning and at that time Japan would of been in the middle of cleaning his home.

"Say Japan, can I use your library for research?" He said with a happy tone.

Japan nodded quickly for his response.

"Werr, sure on what topic?" He asked.

Italy had a look on his face. He didn't know what was it called. He starts thinking. He was hoping that he wouldn't pick a wrong one so he wouldn't waste his time on useless facts.

"I don't remember what it's called." He shrugged.

Japan wasn't surprised.

"Well how about you tell us what is it about." Greece suggested.

Italy was willing to figure the word out. He shook his head for a 'yes'.

"Well, it involves with fables with monster and creatures." Said Italy.

Greece nodded his head. He already knew the answer. He wrapped his arms around Japan's neck. Japan face turns red. Japan steps away from him to avoid showing any PDA. Greece made a small frown when Japan it that.

"I think you're talking about mythology." Greece suggested.

Italy look elated that he has something to look for. He looks at Japan and notices he looks embarrassed. Japan looked as if he was hiding something.

"Say, Japan. Why are you embarrassed?" He asked.

Greece looks at Japan. He chuckles. He knew exactly why Japan's face was all red. Japan's small fragile body was quivering.

"I know why." Greece answered. "He hasn't told you but he and I are together if you know what I mean."

Italy grew his smile. He was happy but he was a bit shock that Japan would like Greece. Having affair with a person isn't a subject that Japan was into much.

"Oh Japan, you shouldn't be afraid to tell." Said Italy.

Japan looked away. He smiled a bit. Once again Greece tries another move and warps Japan's neck with his arm. Japan grabs the index and his middle finger. He slouches his back making look hidden.

"You're right Itary...." Japan said. "Come on in."

Italy enters the room. He looks around for a bit.

Greece and Japan also get inside the home.

Japan looks at Greece.

Greece looks back. He puts down the cat for a bit. He gently uses his two fingers to guide Japan's chin.

Greece gives Japan a kiss. Right on the lips. Japan kisses him back. Japan didn't like show any affections towards another person but he loved Greece too much.

Japan's smile grew larger. He was flattered.

They follow Italy to the library.

Italy was very eager to look for stories about that monster that Germany was becoming. He reconsider what he thought and told himself that Germany wasn't a monster but he will be if his status gets worse.

He somewhat already knew that Germany might become a werewolf. He has seen it what happens in American movies, but all he learned was that werewolves were mindless creatures with having a lust for blood.

Also he saw that, the victim get bitten or have insert the blood of a wolf. They go through phasing. The process can vary because no one really knows how this stuff works. Many people have believed on stereotypes. Too much stereotypes have a huge made him confused.

The good thing was Greece was here. Greece was known for making books and knowing a lot of mythical creatures. Not only the about Gods and Goddesses, but other stuff that has been going on in the world.

If this idea didn't work, which Italy hopes it does....he would have to ask England. The Witch crafter loner which Germany would always call him when he's not around.

Italy thought of England as a nerdy, magical lover that doesn't have any actual friends. At first, Italy was scared of Britain, but then when he met Germany. Italy didn't thought he was scary anymore. Since England was so short compare to his mighty friend, Germany beat him up if he can.

But he knew that Britain won't want Italy to be near him.

But if England doesn't want him near him, then Japan could talk him into letting me go through his library.

As Italy walks, his mind suddenly changes the subject.

He was worried if Germany would try to wonder off in to the fields like last time.

It makes him sick to think that he killed and ate that rabbit.

Poor rabbit he thought.

The more he thinks about how Germany was changing. The more focused he was into looking for the right data to save him.

Unwelcome Friend (GerIta FanFic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now